Chapter 18

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I woke up with a heavy headache, I hadn't drank that much, but it was certainly because of the lack of sleep.

I spent the night thinking about him and our situation, and I made a wise choice.

I was going to tell everything to his boyfriend.

I didn't know him personally but I knew what class he was in since I had recognised him a few times in the hallways.

The thing I was scared of was both his boyfriend's and Minho's reactions, but if I had to get beaten for telling the truth I was ready to sacrifice myself.

I decided to not tell anyone about my idea, because I knew Hyunjin would have tried to prevent me from doing so, but I knew that it was the right decision.

I was searching for the blonde tall boy in the cafeteria.
I noticed that he was just there, talking and laughing with a short girl.

I came up to him without losing a second.

: Hi, um, can we talk a bit?

David : Who are you?

: I'll tell you in a sec, please let me explain you.

He endend up agreeing and we went to an empty classroom to chat privately.

: So, first of all, please listen to everything before interfering okay?

David : Go ahead.

: Okay so, at first Minho was friendly with me like he was with everyone else, then when I thought he was flirting with me I saw both of you making out in the backyard, then I thought that he was taken and it was just my imagination and he wasn't interested in me in a romantic way. But what happened next doesn't sit right with me and I felt like I had to tell you.

He nodded at every sentence.

: He kissed me on the lips the other day after we had a sleepover. Since then he has been acting weird and flirty, and I hate the idea of being attracted to a taken man as well as him doing that to you, which I think you don't deserve.

He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

David : Thanks for telling me.

He quickly got out of the classroom, leaving me with so much confusion.

Minho's POV :

I was outside, playing basketball with a few friends when someone called my name suddenly.


I turned around to see David, moving his hands in the air.

I approached him to know what he wanted.

: Hey you good?

David : I'm going to kill you.

: What did I do again??

David : Jisung came to see me!

: He did?!

I wasn't prepared for that, I thought that it would be an useless concern of his, as usual, but it was way more serious.

David : He told me everything, you kissed him?? Then that he's attracted to a taken man?? First, why didn't you tell me? Second why does he not know that I am NOT your boyfriend or even GAY.

I laughed at his reaction, my friend was making a fuss but all I could think about was Jisung, he was attracted to me? He never told me.
I was now sure of what was going on in his head, my plan had worked perfectly.

: Chill... I used it at my advantage, I never told him I had a boyfriend, I just didn't deny it and he assumed everything by himself. Come on, it's not like anybody else would know beside him and I, don't worry it's not going to ruin your popularity with girls.

I wanted to go find Jisung, to kiss him, hug him, tell him everything. But I had to wait, I didn't want to rush him and I was scared that if I was the one who asked first he would simply be scared to refuse, that was the last thing I wanted.

I had to wait if I wanted everything to go well, moreover, I had a big secret that I needed to reveal to him first.

Jisung's POV

I'm so dumb, they will fight because of me.

I started to regret what I did, I shouldn't have said anything, that was between them, I had no rights to interfere.

I was stressing with these thoughts internally when I felt a hand on my arm.

Hyunjin : Jisung... What are you doing here?

: Oh nothing, I had to talk with someone.

Hyunjin : Babe, you don't seem okay, please tell me the truth, I'm here to help you, you know that right?

: Of course I know...

I didn't want to talk so I just hugged him tightly, and we stayed like that for a few minutes, Hyunjin didn't question me, he just held me close, without saying anything.

Once I let go he was looking at me fondly, ever since we became friends, he would do anything to make me happy and he hated seeing me the slightest sad.

He sighed and took my hand, we were walking to the cafeteria together when I saw them in front of me.

David and Minho, they were laughing together, I was happy nothing bad happened, or was I?
I didn't want them to break up of course, but that would have meant that I could accept Minho's affection freely.

You selfish bitch.

Man's whore.

Having a crush on a taken man, you love to ruin everything don't you?

I was going to ignore them, but couldn't hold myself back, I went up to the couple and stood in front of them.

Minho : Jisung? Something you wanted to tell me?

: You guys are still together?

Both blonde and brunette looked at each other instantly.

Minho : What's that question ji? I have a lecture I'll go, bye!

He waved at me while walking speedily to his classroom. Maybe I was dumb asking that in front of everyone.

I had two hours before my next class so I was sitting alone on a bench in the backyard.


I looked in the direction of the person calling me, it was Felix.

: Hi lix! What are you doing here?

Felix : I got kicked out of class.

: What?! Why?

Felix : I was on my phone, the teacher is too sensitive in my opinion.

I was feeling better when Felix was around, he was the type of person to bring joy to his surroundings.

Felix : And you?

: Oh, I have a break so I'm just waiting here.

Felix : I see.

We just sat there together, enjoying the silence.

I think I found my motivation back hehe
I'll try to update often

Thank you for reading <3

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