Chapter 11

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A few weeks went by,

Everything was fine, except for my grades.
Since winter break was around the corner, teachers were putting us trough hard work.
I had studied hours for the exams, and now was finally the last test of the week, english.

I entered the classroom and sat by the window, I almost didn't even talk with the boys lately because of how busy I was, which is why I had decided to invite them all to my house once this was over.

The room was filling little by little and everyone was now here. The bell rang and the professor came into the class.
He gave out the papers and gave us the signal to start.

There were a few questions and a extract we needed to analyse. I was doing well so far, fortunately english was one of the subject I was good at.

I took a pause and looked outside the window, from where we could see the backyard, two person were there.

I could distinguish two men, one turned his head, it was Lee Minho.

He was laughing with the other boy, touching his shoulder.

What I saw next shocked me the most, they started to kiss each other, not as friends, more like lovers.

Lee Minho certainly felt someone watching them, he lifted his head and our eyes met, even if I wanted to hide, I couldn't.

He was looking at me while making out with the boy, a smirk appeared on his lips.

I suddenly realised what I was doing and focused back on my test, even if I knew I was going to think about that for a long time, now wasn't the good moment.

I finished my test and left the room. I was relieved to go home, until someone called out my name.

I turned around the see Minho against the wall, looking at me.

: Oh, hi.

Minho : Hi, ji.

'Ji'? It was the first time someone called me that.

Minho : I could be wrong but, were you watching me?

: I don't know what you're talking about.

Minho : Oh come on! Just tell me, I won't eat you. Do you find it weird because the other person was a boy?

: Oh no, not at all, I'm not that kind of person!

The brunette smiled, I couldn't pretend anymore.

: Sorry, it wasn't my attention.

Minho : No it's okay, I'm not ashamed of what I do, but keep it to yourself okay?

: Of course! I won't tell a word.

Minho : Thank you, I'll go now.

He walked away and left me to myself.
I got a lot of questions going through my mind, but I decided to ignore them for now and go home to rest.

I stopped by the convenience store on the way there.
I chose a few snacks and sweets, I was feeling a bit down after all this pressure, I needed to relax.

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