Chapter 25

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"What now?" I tilted my head.

"I like you Jisung, more than you can imagine."

My face was propably becoming red and I could feel my heart beating faster. I knew it, I knew that  I liked him back, but why was it so hard to just say it?

Since I couldn't express my feelings with words, I kissed him on the lips, and caressed his cheek when I pulled away.

The door opened at the same moment.

"Jisung I thin- oh. Oop- sorry!" Hyunjin closed the door two seconds after opening it.
I got off of my bed and made my way to my friend.

"Hyunjin! Come back!" I laughed.

"No no no! Have a good night you two..." he put on a slight smile.

"Oh stoop! We weren't doing anything." I caught his arm.

He took my hand and led me to the living room, Minho joined us a few seconds later.

"Listen, I just want you to be happy, I have no rights to say who you can love or not, Minho seemed like the bad guy at the beginning not gonna lie... nobody knows he likes guys and he's popular, I thought that it would only led to you being bullied again. But you two are cute together, please be happy. Minho if you do anything I swear I will pun-" I put my hand on his knee, closing my eyes gently as to thank him.

He pulled me into a hug and said that he was going to go home.

I closed the door after him and turned around to see Minho waiting for me.

"What do you want?" I kissed him on the cheek.

"Jisung, actually I have something to ask you." He seemed a bit hesitant.

"Tell me." I went to the bedroom and he followed.

We sat on the bed and he laid on his back.

"The bullying, what was it like?" He waited for an answer.

"Well... it was tough." I started.

"Middle school was hell, I discovered my sexuality at a young age and it quickly spread around when I thought that another boy might like me back, but I was wrong. He started to tell everyone about it and everyday they would be mocking me, sometimes it was hitting, pulling my hair, throwing my books in the toilet." I sighed.

Minho came closer and pulled my head on his chest.

"Thanks to Changbin, it was not as bad as it could've been, he helped me a lot." I admitted.

"Got it, I will always be good to him!" He said confidently.

"Oh because you were going to be bad?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"No, but I will be extra good to him." He nodded to himself.

"You know Jisung, you're the first guy I actually have feelings for."

"What does that mean?" I looked up at him.

"I kind of knew that I was gay, or bi, or whatever, but I never confirmed it. I thought that maybe it was just a phase since I never liked someone of the same sexe, until you."

I smiled and made my way on his laps.

He pulled me closer, his hands on my waist.
My back arched to his touch, making him smirk.
He approached my face and put his lips on mine, his other hand going under my shirt.
I pulled away and showed him a big smile.

"Minho, I think I like you too." I blurted out.

His eyes widened for a moment but he quickly pointed out :

"You think? Hmm..." he pouted.

"No, I like you Lee Minho." I laughed and he looked at me like I was the most beautiful person alive.
He hugged me and we fell on the floor, making me laugh harder.

"Ouch! Minho!" I hit him on the shoulder.

"I couldn't hold back!" He laughed along with me.

We were two fools on the floor, laughing at our dumb actions, but also because of happiness.

It was perfect, we were perfect.

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