Chapter 2

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The day was finally over.

I got out of the building to find Hyunjin waiting for me, sitting on a bench.

: Hyune!

Hyunjin : finally here! I've been waiting for one hour!

: stop lying you texted me two minutes ago.

Hyunjin : oh...right...

I let out a quick laugh and sat next to him.

: want to go eat something ?

Hyunjin : you know I'll never say no.

: yeah right why am I even asking?

Hyunjin smiled and hit my arm playfully, I faked being hurt but ended up laughing with him. We were interrupted by a guy shouting: "People are so loud these days!"

Hyunjin : is he talking about us?

: probably, but I couldn't care less honestly!

Hyunjin : let us be happy oh my god...

The man was now directly looking in our direction and took his phone out.

Hyunjin : is he filming us or am I dreaming?

: I think he is.

I stood up and walked up to him.

: Hi, can I take a look at your phone?

Hyunjin was next to me in no time.

?: No what the fuck! Do you want to steal it?

: are you stupid? I saw you filming us.

?: No I haven't ! Liar bitch.

: What did you say?

He was really starting to get on my nerves, I was so confused about why a person I'd never seen before would want to start a fight with me.

Hyunjin : Liar bitch yourself ! I'm so surprised at how a stupid like you could even make it to college!

The boy was going to answer back, but right before he could, someone grabbed his phone.

When I looked at the person the hand belonged to, I was surprised to see Lee Minho and Chan not too far behind.

Minho : What's happening here?

Hyunjin : This person here seems to want to start a fight with us.

Minho : is that true Junsoo ?

Junwoo : what no! They're the ones that came to talk to me!

: Oh please, take a look at his camera roll.

Minho put the phone in front of Junsoo's face to unlock it and went to the camera roll

Minho : seems like there's nothing here...

I was scared to be mistaken, it would have put us in a really embarrassing situation.

Jungwoo : I was filming myself!

Hyunjin : Oh stop lying I clearly saw you.

Minho : oh found it.

Thank god.

Minho : I'm deleting it, I won't ask why you did that but Junsoo you should stop doing this creepy stuff.

Junsoo took his phone back and just walked away. I was impressed by his confidence.

Hyunjin : Uh? How can he just leave like that?

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