Chapter 23

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"I'm going to be late, shit!"

I was running towards the bus stop, hoping to catch it on time. My bag was heavier than usual since I had to bring the books I took from the library.
I almost fell but quickly got back on track, I didn't have time to fall.

I luckily got the bus on time, I was breathing heavily and trying to calm down.
A few people looked my way but I couldn't care less.

A few stops later, I arrived at the building, when I was on time I didn't have to take transports, but I sometimes did when I was too late.
The bell had rang a few minutes earlier, I ran up to my class.
I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in." making me open it and feel everyone looking at me.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I bowed to show that I apologized, the teacher let out a sigh and told me to go find a seat.

I followed his orders and found an empty chair.
Since we were in english class, I knew that Minho was there, I searched him through the many students and finally laid my eyes on him.

He was already looking my way, smiling when he noticed I was looking back.
I waved discreetly, making him stick out his bottom lip, in a way of saying 'you're cute'.
I focused back on what the teacher was saying, He was talking about the festival, which I had completely forgot about.
The old man told us that we were not fast enough and we needed to make more efforts, the class nodded and we were told to reunite in groups.

I was going to stand up but Minho was faster than I, he was already sitting down next to me.

"How are you doing?" He took my hand in his.

I looked around to see if anyone saw us and took my hand back sharply, giving him a perplexed look.

"I'm good, you?" I asked back.

He seemed offended by my action but didn't point it out. "I'm fine." the rest of our group quickly joined us.

We were discussing about the organisation and I could feel Minho's gaze on me, I tried to ignore it but jsut decided to message him.

Minho :]

Why do you keep staring

Bc I want to
I can't?  

Not openly like you do
People are going to notice


I looked at him to see him smiling.
I sighed and focused back on our work, everyone was giving ideas.

"What do you think Jisung?" A blonde girl asked me.

"Huh, what?" I didn't hear the question.

"Are you even working?" She seemed angry.

"I am, I just didn't hear the question."

"Well you should focus, you litterally do nothing." She said.

"Deila calm down." Minho intervened.

She leaned back in her chair and gave me a nasty look, which I returned.
I usually wouldn't get into troube and stay rather polite and kind, but I wasn't going to let her walking on me neither.

The rest of the class went calmly, even if you could sense some tension in the group.

"Hyunjin I'm tired of school." I whined.

"Yeah I get you, but hold on a little bit, it's almost over." He comforted me.

I nodded.

We were on our way to the cafeteria since it was lunch break, I wasn't that hungry but still needed to feed myself.
We were going to take sandwiches when someone caught my arm.

I turned around to see Minho.

"Hyunjin, don't mind if I steal him for today?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Uh..." Hyunjin looked at me, then at minho.

He sighed and signaled us to go.

The older thanked him and hold my hand to take me god knows where.

"Minho where are we going?" I was confused.
He smiled and replied "you'll see."

We got in his car and he drove us to a cute restaurant.
I got off and he quickly joined me by intertwining our fingers, he was confident and it showed.
I followed him into the building and got welcomed with a soft atmosphere. The coulour theme was brown-pinkish and everything was mostly made out of wood. There were lots of flowers, spreading a mix of pleasant perfumes.
I looked around and noticed that it was empty, no one was here except us.

"How did you find that place?" I was amazed.

"It's my parents'." He squeezed my hand.

I nodded and realised a few seconds after.

"Your parents'?" I widened my eyes.

"I asked them if they could lend me the restaurant for an hour or two."

Minho went into the kitchen and I had no choice but imitate. The back of the restaurant was large and it had lots of things I never saw before.
I observed the many tools exposed on the wall as well as pictures. I got closer to get a better look.

"Is that you?" A photo of a cute baby was displayed.

"Yeah." We both smiled at the sight, I felt like I was in an intimate moment with him, he showed me something part of his family, something more personal. I felt him hug me from behind and I just let him.
I liked the feeling.

I turned around to meet his gaze.

He pecked my lips and waited for my reaction, I didn't move, but a few seconds after, kissed him a bit more romantically. He responded to my action, I pulled away, not wanting for the moment to get too deep.

"Come with me, we are going to cook today." He handed me an apron and put his on.

He tied the back of my clothing and we were ready.

Minho was extremely attentive and didn't get mad even when I didn't know what to do or if I messed up. He would explain things calmly and show me how to do, he complimented my work and cheered when he saw I was doing well.
He asked me to taste the soup, blowing on it beforehand in case it was too hot. Those little things I noticed made him more special in my eyes, I liked seeing him so implicated in something he loved to do.
I was starting to get attached to him and I didn't know if it was for the better. I was watching him from afar, a focused expression on his face as he cut the vegetables. He was going back and forward between the meat on the pan and the sauce he was making. I was not doing much but I was anything else but bored. Minho was popular and kind to everyone, but not a lot of people knew him outside of school, which is why I felt special.

You make me feel special.

The book got lots of readings in a short time idk whzt to dodododhfsjfjjs
Thank you for all the funny comments on this story but also my other one
I'm so glad really!
Love u and don't forget that you're all amazing persons :)

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