Chapter 39

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2 years later...

"Felix told me Chan was celebrating his contract with the company at a restaurant!" Hyunjin nudged my shoulder and I sighed.

"I'm working Hyune!" I smiled but closed my laptop anyways because my concentration was now gone thanks to my friend.

"You're coming right?" He pouted and I put my head on the palm of my hand.

"I don't know..." I looked down at the floor.

"Come on! You're barely showing up at our gatherings anymore." He whined and I could only admit that he was right, I had found a job and was working hard, I often finished late and other days I would just be tired and choose to rest instead of going out.

"You're right, I'll come, it's been a long time since I've seen you all!" I smiled and the older hugged me hastily.

"Thanks Ji!" I patted his back and simply accepted his embrace.

I was standing in front of my closet, not knowing what to wear, since it was a barbecue restaurant, dressing too classy would be weird, but I still had to look good somehow.
I finally opted for a basic blue shirt with black pants. I finished by doing my hair and sprayed perfume.
I was supposed to take Changbin on my way so I sent him a text to let him know I was leaving.
All seven of us had become close friends over the years, and even if I was now busier than before, we still were pretty close.

I drove off to Changbin's and quickly saw my cousin waiting in front of his apartment, I honked and he lifted his head.
As soon as he saw me a smile appeared on his face and he made his was toward my car.

"Hi Ji!" He buckled his seatbelt and gave me a high five.

"Hi Changbin, do you live at the gym? Your muscles are bigger evertime I see you!" I laughed and he squealed jokingly.

"Stop it... you're making me blush!" he connected his phone to my car and put on our playlist.
Changbin was now a full time producer and he had a name in the industry, you could say he was famous, I still sang for him sometimes.

The GPS indicated that we had arrived at
destination and I parked the car.
We both exited the vehicle and made our way to the restaurant.
The others were already there and they all applauded when we passed through the door, cheerful sounds could be heard and I automatically smiled.

We sat down, I was between Chan and Seungmin and in front of Jeongin.

"Jeongin, did you cut your hair?" I asked as I took a plate.

"Yeah I did, does it look good?" He passed a hand through his locks.

"Yeah it does!" I gave a thumbs up and he winked as a way to thank me.
Everyone was joyfully chatting and even bickering playfully.

"Hyunjin! Give me that damn sauce!" Changbin tried to grab the mayonnaise but only failed, Hyunjin on the other hand, was extending his arm so the older couldn't reach it.
Chan took it from Hyunjin's hand with a sigh and handed it to Changbin.

"Thank you Chan!" He side eyed the taller who just laughed again.

"Hi guys." Someone spoke up behind us, I saw Chan turn around from the corner of my eye and he stood up to greet another person, it caught my attention so I looked behind me but immediately froze when I saw his face.

"Minho?" I muttered under my breath.

He looked down at me and I swore I could see a faint smile.

"Ji?" He nodded sharply to greet me.
I bowed slightly and turned back to the table, still not believing he was here.

"Minho?!" Hyunjin stood up and put his hand over his mouth. Everyone seemed shocked in a way but they quickly went over to his side to greet him, but I simply stayed where I was.

Chan offered him his chair and he refused it.

"Come on! I'll go ask for another chair! You can sit here in the meantime." He practically pushed him down, and just like that, we were sitting next to each other.
Everyone was asking him questions and everything, only I was staying quiet.

"So... did you find someone?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows but suddenly stopped when Hyunjin hit him.
He pursed his lips and looked at me, embarrassed.

Minho laughed a bit and started to speak : "Actually... I am single, I didn't want to get in a relationship."

My heart skipped a beat, I was over him, of course I was, but it still did something to know he wasn't seeing anyone.

"Jisung, how have you been?" He asked and I slowly looked in his way.

"I've been doin good, you?" I couldn't quit looking at him, he dit not really change but he still looked even more beautiful than before.

"I've been great, you didn't change a bit." He smiled.

"You too." My voice was barely heard but it didn't matter.
We couldn't stop looking at each other, as if we were two magnets, pulling the other to ourselves.
I abruptly turned around to take meat and eat since it was starting to make me feel things in my stomach.
I heard the older scoff quietly and he also focused on the food, I still looked at him from the corner of my eye from time to time.

I felt someone kicking my leg and looked up to see Hyunjin making big eyes and adverting his gaze between me and Minho.
I looked to the side and saw that Minho was already looking at me, but he stopped when I noticed. I heard Hyunjin laugh as he took a sip of his alcohol.
A few hours later, everyone was practically wasted except for me and Minho, I had work tomorrow so I couldn't allow myself to have a hangover.

"Did you move back here?" I hesitantly asked without looking at the other.

"Hm, I came back a week ago." He answered with the same tone.

I nodded and sighed.

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