Chapter 30

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"Minho?" I lifted my head from his chest.

"Hmm?" He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm having diner with my parents tonight..." I hesitated.

"And..?" He frowned and I was regretting speaking.

"Would you like to meet them? I know it's early but they're like my friends and I'd like for them
to know you." I explained, he looked at the ceiling and sighed.

"Baby." He firmly said.

I nodded and waited for him to tell me what he needed to.

"I'm more than okay with meeting your parents, I mean, I want to know them too, but I have to tell you something beforehand." He brushed my hair.

I was listening closely.

"You propably won't meet my parents soon, and I don't want you to feel like you have to just because I met yours." He hugged me.

I hugged him back and looked up.

"It's okay, I can wait." I kissed his collarbone and earned a giggle from him.
We lied down together in bed, Minho held my waist and kissed me many times, I felt so loved.
We eventually had to get up to prepare for tonight.

"Is it too much?" He asked, a tie in his left hand.

"Minho! Just dress casually honey." I laughed and he exhaled.

He went back to find a normal outfit, once he came back he was wearing beige pants with a cute white jersey.

"You're so cute." I approached and pecked him on the lips.
He made me twirl in his arms before putting me back down and holding me by the waist.
He put a hand on my cheek and I leaned into his touch.

"Is it here?" We entered the restaurant and  I immediately spotted my parents, I had told them my boyfriend was coming with me and they were pleased to hear it.

"Mom! Dad!" I joined them and they stood up to greet us.

"Jisung!" She hugged me and I felt at home in her arms, my mother smelled like flowers, and her scent always reminded me of my childhood.

When she pulled away she canned Minho's face.

"What a beautiful man! You're Minho right?" She asked and went for a hug.
Mingo shyly hugged her back and smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you." He bowed and my mom put a hand on his shoulder.
He then shook the hand of my dad.

We sat next to each other in front of my parents.

"So... tell me, who asked out who?" She put her elbows on the table and leaned forwards.

"Minho was the one who asked me to be his boyfriend, it was so romantic." I smiled and my mom looked at him.

"Tell me more about yourself Minho." My mom asked and Minho hesitated a bit before giving his answer.

"I like to cook, I also like to dance..." he thought about it a bit more but couldn't find anything else.

"That's amazing!" She replied, still giving a big smile.

"His cooking skills are unmatched, and his dancing was the first thing I fell in love with." I looked at him and smiled shyly, remembering the other night.

"Oh and Minho, please treat us normally, I don't want you to feel pressured because we're Jisung parents', honestly I was a bit hesitant about meeting you, maybe it's a burden, or like a big step, but I want you to know that Jisung and us have always been really close so whoever is important for him is also important for us, okay?" She explained and I felt bad, I hadn't thought about how Minho might have felt, maybe he felt forced to come because he didn't want to sound impolite.

"No, I'm glad to meet you, it's not a burden at all, to be honest, I am happy that Jisung think of us so seriously that he is willing to introduce me to you, I'm so happy to have him as my boyfriend." His ears were red, I caught his hand under the table and caressed his fingers as a way to reassure him.

"Can I tell you something?" Minho looked at my mom and she nodded.

"My parents don't know I am gay, and they propably won't accept it anyways, so I can't introduce them to you or Jisung, that's why all of this seems unreal." He admitted, this was also new to me, and I remembered when we went to his restaurant, how cautious he was around his mother and the way he immediately introduced me as his friend, I now understood why.

"Minho..." I started.

My mom stood up and came to his side, she hugged him, catching him by surprise.
He slowly wrapped his arms around her and hid his face.
My mom then pulled away, still holding his shoulders.

"Darling, you have Jisung, okay? You also have us, we are with you." She ruffled his air and then patted his back before letting him go ans sitting back at her place.
Someone could say that my mom is too friendly, or too naive, but that's just the way she is.
My mom tended to trust quickly and give her all even when the other person didn't care, my mom was a gem and I couldn't ask for a better person in my life, I knew she would treat Minho like her son, that's why I thought it was a great idea for them to meet.

"Thank you a lot, I know I have someone by my side now." He took my hand and the corners of his lip went up, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and the waiter came to ask us our orders.

I writted this chapter in like 10minuteszkfkzkfkdk I'm sorry for not updating :'(( It's just that I lost the motivation to write this book, but I'll try to write more
I honestly think I'm better at writing short stories than long ones, maybe that's why it's so hard for me to continue this one...
But anyways, love y'all, take care!! <3

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