Chapter 20

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We finished playing twister and Hyunjin offered to play truth or dare.

Felix : Yes please! I love that game!

Changbin : I don't know...

Jeongin : Why, you scared?

He wiggled his eyebrows at the shortest, making him accept instantly.

Seungmin spined the bottle and it landed on Chan.

Seungmin : truth or dare?

Chan : hmm, truth?

Seungmin : What is your body count?

Chan : Oh that's easy, zero.

Everyone seemed shocked except Minho.

Hyunjin : What? With your body? That's impossible stop lying.

Chan : I'm not.

The oldest was amused by our reaction.

He spined the bottle.

Chan : Oh minhoo! Truth or dare?

Minho : Dare.

Changbin : Kiss jisung.

: What? Why?

The brunette looked at me with a devilish expression on his face.

Minho : I'm not against the idea though? Do you not want to?

: Umm, that's just weird.

Jeongin : Jisung is scared!

: I'm not!

I leaned towards the boy and connected our lips, I heard Hyunjin letting out a loud gasp.
Minho held my face and tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away before he could.

Changbin : I... I meant on the cheek...

Chan : Both of you are... bold?

Felix : That looked passionate as fuck...

I felt my face getting red.
Jisung, you dumbass!

I smiled through the pain.

We had a lot of fun for the rest of the day, we played games, ate and watched a movie.
Little by little my friends were all going home, except for Minho, who was still lying on the floor, with no will to move.

: You should go too.

Minho : I'm hurt Ji.

: Well, I am not.

I kneeled down to pick up trash from the floor.
Unfortunately I was close enough to Minho for him to pull me by the arm.

I fully landed on him, my head on his chest.
Without saying a word, he started to stroke my hair and caressing my back.
I wanted to get up, but couldn't bring myself to listen to my brain.

: Why are you doing that?

I asked, almost whispering.

Minho : Because you just make me want to do those things.

I lifted my head to meet his gaze.

Minho : your round eyes, your puffy cheeks and those cute lips, you're so adorable that I want to cherish you.

: Sounds like a confession to me.

Minho : Maybe.

He chuckled and passed his hands through my hair, I didn't say anything afterwards, we just laid there, too confortable to actually care.

I closed my eyes, tired because of today, even if I loved having my friends over, it did steal a lot of my energy.
I felt minho moving a little, and suddenly felt him lifting me up, he entered my room and set me down on the bed.
I quickly fell alseep.

I opened my eyes, completely ignoring the time.
I got up, a particular smell came into my nostrils.
I went to the living room, everything was clean.
I headed to the kitchen and saw the boy cooking something.

: What are you making?

Minho : Oh you woke up? Come here.

I approached him and looked at what he was doing from behind his figure.
He turned around and smiled, took my hand and left a kiss on it, causing my jaw to drop.
How was he so smooth everytime, and why did my heart was acting weird at each of his little move?
I brushed off the thoughts and focused on the food.
He was making pasta and sauce.

: Were you hungry? You didn't need to cook we could have ordered something.

Minho : No, I heard your stomach growl.

I simply nodded, embarrassed of myself.
He ordered me to sit while he prepared the plates.
He places the two dishes on the surface and sat in front of me.
I started to eat, it was delicious. Minho was also eating and looking at me enjoying the food.

Minho : So, do you like it?

: Yes! Thanks a lot!

We finished our meals and he went to wash the dishes.

: Stop! I'll do it.

I scooted by his side and took the sponge from his hand.
He watched me and smirked, seemingly preparing something.
He hugged me from behind, causing me to slightly jump at the unexpected move.
I wanted to push him, but I had no reason to right?

He placed pecks on my neck, making me shiver.
His kisses were becoming more and more intense, he caught my skin between his lips and sucked on it.
He pulled off, satisfied with the view.

: Minho, you didn't just left a hickey, did you?

Minho : I did, and it looks very hot on you if you want my honest opinion.

: Stop it already.

I chuckled, I liked the feeling, maybe a bit too much, since I was now in need of his touch.
I want more.

He was still hugging me from behind, I wanted to be even closer to him so rubbed my back on his body.

I felt something I propably shoudn't have.

Minho : Woah woah woah, jisung...

: What?

Minho : I don't want to do something we can both regret.

I turned around to face him, his ears were red and his eyes sparkled with lust.

He caught my butt in his hands and looked at me like a predator would look at his prey.

I was caught in his trap, I never broke the eye contact.
Just do it Lee Minho, please.

Now that I knew he wasn't in a relationship, my thoughts were even worse than before.

: Minho if you continue to stare at me without doing anything...

Minho : then what?

He leaned closer to my face, the smirk never leaving his.

Okay Jisung, now is the time!

I pulled him by the collar and collapsed our lips, I bit his bottom lip to ask for entry, which he willingly did.
The making out session was starting to get hotter,the brunette took the lead and lifted my leg on his hips, rubbing his dick over mine.

I put my hand under his shirt and placed it on his muscly chest, making him smile with satisfaction.

He suddenly put me up on the counter and unzipped my pants, everything was going fast.

Hiii!! Omg my first time writing a "heated moment" 😵
I don't know how to feel about this tbh but anwyays!
The next chapter will (propably) start with smut, if you're uncomfortable with it feel free to skip :)

Thanks for reading!

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