Chapter 28

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I was ready and waited for Minho to tell me he was too, I checked my phone multiple times hoping to see his message on the screen.

A few linutes after, I received a phone call.


Minho : I'm ready, I'm sending you the adress right now.

: Okay! See you there.


I entered the location on Google Maps and left my flat.
It wasn't too far so I could walk there.

On my way, I was thinking about how happy I was, I wasn't interested in love, but meeting Minho had change my vision on relationships.
I hope it stays the same forever.

I propably looked stupid smiling on my own but I couldn't care less.

As I approached the final destination I noticed that it was the theatre I went to a few times, to see the dancer.
My eyes widened, I didn't know that Minho knew that place, what a coincidence!

I sat on a bench in front of the place and waited for my date to join me, but he didn't came.
I waited, without losing patience.

I ended up texting him.

:Hey min, where are you?

Minho : Sorry I'll be a little late something came up, please go inside and wait for me there.

I sighed but did as told, when I entered, nobody was there.
Is there even a show tonight?

I was confused but sat at the center anyways, even if I was starting to get scared a bit.

The curtains were hiding the scene, it was complete silence. Seeing the theatre empty and quiet was disturbing, I was used to people chatting there and then, kids waiting on their seats impatiently. I looked at my phone : 6PM.

I called Minho.


:Minho where are you? it's about to start!

Minho : I am so sorry, I don't think I can make it, I'll explain later, but enjoy the show for me yeah?

: What the...


He hung up before I could answer, my brain couldn't comprehend what was happening, everything was starting to suffocate me, as if the room got smaller.

Suddenly the lights went off and the curtains opened.

He was there, the white swan.

He bowed, his eyes locked in mines, which were the only thing I could distinguish behind the mask.

The music started to play, and I immediately recognised it : the instrumental of "Voices".

The man started to dance as beautifully as always, the rythm was following him, as if he was the one creating it.

He took up all the space, the spotlight followed his silhouette. An arm up, his head swinging slowly, he slid down.

I was mesmerised by his moves, so much that I wanted to join him, I couldn't see his face but he was attracting me in an almost strange way. I stood up to get a better view, even if I was alone.

The end of the song approached and he stopped, he slowly reached for his mask and took it off softly, never breaking the eye contact.

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. We looked at each other in awe, both like we were paralysed.

My feet reacted alone and approchaed him, like a magnet.

He opened his arms and I ran to catch him, as if he would fly away if I didn't, I squeezed him thight, as an implicit way to beg him to stay by my side.

He accepted my embrace and I could feel him breathing heavily on my ear.

"Will you be mine?" He whispered, and I nodded.

"I will, Minho." Tears filled up in my eyes and I couldn't restrain myself anymore.

Our lips connected in a kiss full of love, no traces of dominance, just like we were two halfs that had been separated and finally reunited.

He took my waist and stick our bodies together.

I pulled away and took a good look at my boyfriend.

The smile never left my face, I wanted to scold him for trapping me, but the happiness I was feeling at that moment made me forget about it.

"You didn't seem shocked though?" He asked.

"As soon as the music started to play I knew." I pinched his cheek.

"Ow! That hurts!" He laughed.

"Did you notice me the other times too?" I tilted my head.

"Of course I did, you were the only one I could see." He kissed my forehead.

We stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes.

"I'll take a quick shower and we can go out to eat okay?" He never stopped leaving pecks on my neck.

"Please!" I left a last kiss in his palm and he went backstage to wash up and change.

My heart is going to explode oh my god!

I lied down on the wooden floor and took time to realise everything.

Minho was my boyfriend, mine. I never thought I'd be able to say it.

I had to tell Hyunjin, but not now.

I heard noises and opened my eyes to see him waiting for me, I quickly joined him and we left the theatre.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, curiously.

"You'll see baby." He winked and lead the way to his car, before I could reach the handle he opened the door for me and invited me to sit on the passenger side, obviously.

I bowed slightly and entered the vehicle.

"I feel like a princess" I chuckled at my own remark but Minho looked at me seriously.

"You can be my princess." He lifted an eyebrow.

"Ew that's so cheesy!" I hit his arm playfully and he took my hand in the action to kiss the back of it.

My face felt hot all of a sudden and I turned my head to hide my embarrassment.

But Minho placed a finger under my chin and forced me to look at him, which made me even more embarrassed than I already was.

"Look at me my love, don't be ashamed, I want to know every part of you." He leaned in to kiss the side of my mouth, but I wasn't satisfied with just that, and I unconsciously started to go deeper into it.

"Oh stop Jisung, unless you want me to make love to you in the backseat." He wiggled his eyebrows but I shook my head and sat back in my seat immediately.

Hi my loves, I feel like it's been ages since I've last written a chapter.
I am overwhelmed with school, it's though lol.
Also, if you need someone to talk to, my DMs are always open, I appreciate each one of you, I read every comment and take time to check your accounts, it makes me so happy to have people reading my work.
I wanted to thank you for continuing to read this ff even though I'm not regularly posting :')
Remember that you are amazing!

Love you.

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