Chapter 3

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After some time our names were called and Hyunjin went to take our drinks.

He came back and put mine in front on me.

I directly took a sip and closed my eyes to enjoy it even more.

Hyunjin took a quick photo of me and put his phone back in his pocket.

: Hey I saw you!

Hyunjin : you must be really handsome today, everyone is recording you...

: I'm always handsome!

I took another sip of my coffee.

Hyunjin : no crush this year?

: Why would you bring this up all of the sudden ?

Hyunjin : I don't know, my life lacks love.

: Then go find someone to love uh.

Hyunjin : Don't worry about that.

He winked at me as he was planning something, something I wasn't aware of.

: Wait, do you like Felix?

Hyunjin nearly chocked on his drink and widened his eyes.

Hyunjin : I met him today!

: And? He's cute and you seem to like talking to him.

Hyunjin : Well, you're technically not wrong but I don't know...

: Yeah you're not gay right?

Hyunjin : Yeah.

I rolled my eyes and focused back on my Iced Americano. The sky was starting to get darker since we were in the last days of November.

Once we both finished our drinks, we got out and said goodbye to each other. Normally I would accompany him but changbin's house was on the opposite.

: Sorry I can't walk you home.

Hyunjin : Don't worry sung it's okay!

He waved at me and turned around to go on his way.

I did the same as I put my headphones. I liked listening to Changbin's song, he was extremely talented. I was just waiting for the day he would really take it seriously and become a full-time producer.

I arrived fastly in front of his flat. I rang the bell and waited for him to open the door, which he quickly did.

Changbin : Hi!

: You must be really confident this time uh? Telling me to come on a school day.

Changbin : You'll find out soon.

I took my shoes off and followed him to his room.

Changbin : sit here.

I sat on his chair and he put headphones on my head. He went on many field and finally clicked on a project called "voices"

The more I listened to the instrumental and the more I liked it. Actually it was pure genius.

Changbin : So? How was it?

: Changbin...

Changbin : what?

: It's amazing, I feel like crying actually.

Changbin : Thanks!! I really like it too!

: I hope you'll release this one, because I want everyone to hear your talent.

Changbin : About that... Jisung I have an offer to make!

: Uh?

Changbin : would you like to sing over my instrumental?

: Why?

Changbin : I made this song thinking of what could fit your voice the best.

: Are you serious? I'm going to cry for real.

Changbin laughed and I looked at his laptop in awe.

: I don't know binnie... Are you sure I can sing well enough?

Changbin : Of course you can! Are you kidding me?

: I've never recorded myself singing before.

Changbin : Bro, I've heard you singing before and your voice is perfect.

I was hesitant, what if I wasn't able to honour his work? The instrumental was so good that I was scared I would waste his talent.

: I'll think about it okay? It's not a no but it's not a yes.

Changbin : Yeah don't worry do it only if you feel confortable, even if I'd really like it if you did...

: thanks binnie, it genuinely is so nice of you.

Changbin : Oh stop it! It was natural for me to include you in my songs, you're the reason I'm thinking of releasing an album.

I smiled and gave him a hug, he really deserved to be happy in what he was doing. He amazed me everytime.

His songs was the type to melt in ears. I had always thought that his genius should be exposed to everyone, so I suggested him to actually publish his songs.

Changbin : You should come over one day so we can write your song too! I know you wanted to test it out.

: You're right, maybe on the week-end if that's good for you!

Changbin : Anytime is good for me sung!

: I'll get going now, It's already dark outside and I'm starting to get tired.

Changbin suggested to drive me home but I politely declined, I liked to walk alone with music in my ears.

I said goodbye and I was on my way home.

I was advancing into the dark streets that led to my appartement. Most of the stores were closed since it was late. But an enlightened spot caught my attention, I turned my head to see from where it was coming.

There was a little bar? I guessed? I couldn't properly tell what it was exactly. I just decided to see by myself.

As I approached the place, I noticed that it was a small theater. About 30/40 person were watching something, or more precisely someone.

I entered and saw a boy dancing on stage, his face covered by a white mask. He was wearing all black thight clothes. He was dancing and I was mesmerised. He moved with such ease and even though I couldn't see his face, I felt every emotions in an instant. His dancing style wasn't clear for me, I first thought he was doing ballet but at some times he would just move faster and put more energy into his moves. Nobody was talking, all of the public was admiring the man dancing in front of them.

Once the song finished and he bowed, the room stayed quiet. Someone finally started to applaud and everyone followed. The boy bowed a second time and disappeared behind the curtains.

They were people who were so talented. I was truly amazed by the performance, I had never watched dancing before, I had never been interested to it, but maybe I should?

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I took it out to see a message from Changbin asking me if I had arrived home safely.

"I got a bit distracted, I'm going now."

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