Chapter 4

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The sound of my alarm was ringing in my ears. I had to go to school even if I was extremely tired.

I left my bed to go eat something and get ready.

I had a hard time falling asleep the night before after witnessing the late show. I searched for dancing videos on YouTube but couldn't find the same style, it just didn't feel the same. Seeing it with my own eyes was really something else.

I decided to wear denim baggy jeans with a black jumper, it was simple but stylish.

I took my bag and headphones with me and left home for school.

On my way, since it still was early, I decided to go back to where the show was held yesterday.

I was now in front of the theater, it was open. The inside was empty, drawing a contrast with the day before.
The evening felt even more like a fever dream, or more precisely, I was starting to think that the dancer was an illusion.

Once I arrived to school, I found Chan outside, leaning on the wall. I didn't know if we were close enough to chat casually.
It seemed that we were because as soon as Chan saw me, he smiled at me and came my way.

Chan : Hi Jisung ! Not with Hyunjin today?

: Oh he should be there in no time!

Chan : that's good haha! Him and felix seem to get along well.

: You noticed it too! They're already so close!

Chan : Yeah felix was telling me how sweet of a guy he was. I'm so glad we got to be paired together!

: Same goes for me! I was scared to be in a group of people I don't like, not that I have to like someone to do a project with them, but you know, some students in the class don't really like me so...

Chan : What? Why though?

: Some of them were in high school with me, when I came out as bi. Homophobia and shit.

Chan : Oh... I see.

: But it's all in the past now I guess.

What was that reaction ? Was he going to hate me to?

Chan : You know, there will always be dumb people, there's not really much we can do about it. Just ignore them and if they try something just tell me or the teachers directly, I'll be there for you if you need!

: Thank you Chan! What you're saying is really heartwarming!

"Why are you guys here so early?" We heard someone question us, making us both turn our heads toward him.

Chan : Hi minho! I don't know I just got here early and Jisung came not too long after me!

Minho : Ugh, I'm waking up the later I can, I'm not wasting any minute of my sleep for school.

Chan : I couldn't sleep so...

: Oh you have sleeping issues?

Chan : Yeah a lot, I should do something about it.

: I don't see any dark circles though, your skin is so good!

He laughed lightly.

Chan : Thanks for the compliment man!

Minho : Your skin is good too Jisung.

Chan and I both turned our head suddenly, I wasn't excepting Minho to say that, not even to talk at all.

: Thanks! I've been trying some new skincare.

Minho smiled politely and we just talked about school and stuff for the time left.

We heard the bell ring and we parted ways to go to our classes.

Today was, thankfully, not busy. Since some of my teachers weren't there, I could go home early.

There was one class left for lunch.

I sat next to the window and made sure no one was sitting beside me, until I felt little taps on my shoulder. I looked next to me, there was a short girl waiting, she was asking if the seat was taken.

I shaked my head and she happily sat next to me. I didn't especially liked having someone sitting next to me, but as long as she wasn't disturbing me it was fine.

Was what I thought.

"Hey what is your name?" I looked at her and she was waiting for me to answer.

"Jinsng" I shortly replied.

"Oh that's cool my name is jiyun!" She added, even if I never asked her.

Jiyun : So.. you know Chan right?

Suddenly, she had my interest. Me, who wasn't really paying attention, was now showing that I wanted to know what she was going to say.

: Yeah, what about him?

Jiyun: To be honest, I have a little crush on him.

Oh now I was beginning to understand, she wanted me to help her.

: Oh that's cool.

Jiyun : I thought maybe you could talk to him about me and even help us get close!

: I'm sorry but, I don't like doing that kind of thing. If you have feelings for him, it'll be better to tell him by yourself than me interfering.

Her smile dropped quickly. She now seemed uninterested and focused back to what the teacher was saying. I was not going back on my words, I really didn't like people who acted like that, I was not a matchmaker, even less to a girl  I didn't even know.

The hour passed quickly and it was finally lunch time.

I sent a text to Hyunjin to tell him to meet me at the cafeteria.

I had already picked up my meal, I found a table to sit on and I waited for Hyunjin. He joined me a few minutes after and we started to eat.

: How was your morning ?

Hyunjin : It was okay, What about yours?

: A girl named Jiyun sat next to me in English and asked me to play the match-maker between her and Chan.

Hyunjin : Whaaat?? What did you say?

: Of course I refused, I told her that it would be better if she just talked to him directly instead of going through me.

Hyunjin : Yeah you're right, you didn't know her at all?

: No really.

Hyunjin : Wow, bold woman.

I laughed at his comment and finished what was on my plate.

: Oh you know what Felix told about you to Chan?

Hyunjin : Wait? Felix said something about me?

Hyunjin's eyes widened, my friend instantly seemed excited when I brought up Felix's name.

: He told Chan how of a sweet guy you were.

I playfully raised my eyebrows and side-smiled.

Hyunjin : Oh my!

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