Chapter 24

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"How is it?" He asked me after putting a bite in my mouth.

I hummed and put a thumb up, liking the taste.
In all honesty, it was more than good, I rarely ate at restaurants but I just knew that this was a meal of quality.
The fact that the restaurant was empty made me feel at ease, I was happy to enjoy his moment with him only, as if the world stopped around us.
He feeded me and I did the same, we laughed at our cheesiness but continued anyway.

We were too focused on each other that we didn't even noticed someone walking in.

"Hey boys! Minho did you cook that?" The middle aged woman approached us.

The brunette quickly dropped the fork and stiffened.

"Yeah mom, why did you come back early?" He asked.

"I wanted to meet your friend." She smiled at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Han Jisung, nice to meet you." I stood up and bowed.

She nodded and caressed my shoulder in a motherly way.

"Minho never brought friends here." She pointed out.

I got shy at the thought of being the only one to see that side of him.

"Anyways mom, we're going to finish eating and go back to school." He seemed to rush her.

"Don't worry boys, I'm going to the kitchen, enjoy your meal." She waved her hand and went her way.

Minho had a sudden mood change.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I lowered my head so he could look at me.

"Oh? Don't worry everything is fine." He smiled but I could feel it hid something, I didn't want to force him so I just accepted his answer, hoping that he would open up when he wanted to.

We finished the food and Minho gave me his car keys, telling me to go wait for him, which I did.

He joined me after a few minutes and settled in the driver seat.

"Sorry I was talking with my mom." He buckled his belt.

"It's okay." I was trying my best to cheer him up since he seemed a bit down compared to this morning.

"Minho, you know you can tell me if there's something going on right?" I made sure.

He took a pause and looked at me, his gaze softened and he simply nodded. He squeezed my hand and left a kiss on it.

He drove us back to school and we parted ways since we had different classes.
I thought back about when his mother appeared, Minho completely shifted and was acting unusual, I tried to not put much thought into it but couldn't stop.
I knew that his mother was propably strict since she didn't allow him to dance, but I didn't know her that well to judge.

The afternoon went by slowly, I wasn't focusing, too busy thinking about my date, if it was considered as one.

I waited for Hyunjin and he offered to walk me home, which I happily accepted since we couldn't talk much today.

"Where did you go for lunch?" He started.

"Oh, Minho took me to his parents' restaurant and cooked for me." I smiled just talking about it.

"Are you dating?" He tilted his head.

Even I didn't know my feelings towards him, but the older made his intentions clear.

"We're not Hyunjin, I would have told you." I sighed.

He nodded and made a sad face, he wasn't his usual joyful self, which worried me a bit.

"Hyune, are you okay?" I asked.

"I don't think I am." He admitted, hitting a little rock with the tip of his foot.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Felix." He simply answered.

I lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. We were already in front of my building, my friend was about to go home but I suggested that he could come with me, and he agreed.

We entered the flat and sat down on the couch.

"So, tell me." I was ready to listen.

"Okay... so you remember at first I thought that maybe I had a chance with him, we even had a date, well I thought it was one." He took a shaky breath "anyways, when you went out for lunch I decided to eat with Felix and Chan since they were there, I joined them and lix was talking about someone."

I nodded, listening attentively.

"Well I think he loves Changbin." He put his hand on his head.

"Are you sure?" it was hard to believe.

"Yeah he talked about how nice he was and that he loved his looks and his voice but also how they hang out together often and so on." He pouted.

"Are you realising that he was special for you?"

"Yeah, I wanted more, but now it's too late." He sighed.

"I'll try to know how changbin feels, okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder, not knowing how to comfort him, but I still tried.

He nodded and lied down.
I put my hand through his locks, hoping mt friend could feel better soon, I wasn't really informed about relationships or love in general, I always thought that others going through so much suffering for someone was not worth it.
When I was a child, my parents would fight often, even if it was better now, it was still hard to witness as a kid.
That's when I wondered :
Maybe love isn't for me?

But lately I'm starting to think that it's not so bad, and I didn't like that, at all.

I was about to fall asleep when someone knocked on the door.
I carefully lifted Hyunjin's head and placed it on a pillow that was there.

I went to see who was visiting at that hour.
I opened the door and saw him.

"Hi." He said, smiling sadly.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling that something was off.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." He lied.

I knew that something was not right but I didn't want to ask again, I welcomed him in, putting my finger on my mouth, to signal him to be quiet.

He entered the living room and saw the tall boy sleeping on my couch.
I took his hand and we went to my room, I closed the door and invited him to sit on the bed, which I also did.

"Minho, to be honest, you don't seem well." I told him.

"How do you notice, I did my best to hide it." He sighed.

"I don't know, I just do." I smiled and took him in my arms.

He stayed there and put his arms around my waist. I placed my head over his and he pushed me lightly so we could lay down.
He pulled me closer and was caressing my back.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but whatever it is, please don't make that face again." I whispered.

"What face?" He asked.

"The 'I just cried' face" I kissed his forehead.

He let out a 'hmm' and sat up, hovering me.

Just wanted to update since it's been long! I hope you like it
Soooo :
Hyunlix or Changlix ?

(Btw I didn't reread this lol )

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