Chapter 12

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Minho's POV :

Earlier that day...

- Just do what I say.

- Why though?

- Listen to me, I need to know something.

- Just because you're my friend.

- Thanks bro.

- It's so gross.

Jisung's POV :

I woke up with a heavy headache, I couldn't get up, everytime I tried to, I fell right back into my bed.

I knew skipping classes wouldn't be good, but I had no other choice.

I called my mom to tell her I wasn't feeling really well, she told me that I should rest.

I texted Hyune to let him know I wouldn't come today, he whined a little at first but after telling him the reason he reassured me and insisted that I should sleep and eat a good meal.

I got back to sleep after talking to my friend.

The knocking was louder now, I didn't know if it was my door, or the neighbour's.

I didn't want to stand up, to wake up even. It was propably a dream, or someone making noises.

The knocks wouldn't stop, maybe my mother came after all.

I stood up hardly and started to walk to the door.
I opened it, my eyes almost still closed, I couldn't see well since I didn't have my lenses on.

I rubbed my eyes, now it was clear.

Minho was waiting for me to say something, a bag in his right hand.

: Minho? What are you doing here?

Minho : Chan told me you were sick.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

I welcomed him regardless and we headed to the living room.

He placed the bag on the table and sat me down immediately.

I let out a laugh.

: I can sit alone!

Minho : You're burning Ji.

He took out the medecine he propably bought before coming, he went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.

He gave me both and waited for me to take it.

I swallowed the pill, he took back the glass to the kitchen.

It was funny seeing him taking care of me, if you had told me that a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have believe it.

Minho was next to me on the sofa in a second, he gently took my head and directed me to lay down on his laps, which I did.

He then began to stroke my hair and massage my head softly, it was rather confortable.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment, it had been a long time since someone played with my hair, the last person was most likely my mom.

"Ji, are you sleeping?"

I took a glance at the boy above me, he seemed worried.

: I'm not.

Minho : Are you hungry?

: A bit, you want me to order something?

The brunette smirked and pinched my cheek, an unexpected move, but I didn't dislike it.
Suddenly, I remembered what happened yesterday and my smile faded quickly.

Minho : I'll make something.

He left the room and and I heard him searching for kitchen tools.

I was wondering why he came here, wouldn't his boyfriend be mad about that?
It wasn't my problem, but I couldn't not think about that.

I waited for him as I layed on the couch, I was feeling slightly better but I still had the feeling that my head was going to explode.

A good smell spread in the appartment, Minho was in fact cooking. I was now craving for food, but waiting patiently.

The boy came back not long after with his makings.

: Oh wow! It smells good.

Minho : Of course it does, I made you my special healing soup.

He brought the table closer and we sat down on the floor.
He took a full spoon and brought it to my mouth, his other hand under my chin, in case he spilled some.

His soup tasted good. He readily gave me another one, making sure I liked it.

I was grateful for his help, I didn't know if it was psychological, but I was feeling better already.

: Thanks...

Minho stopped and looked at me, he smiled softly and put back the spoon in the bowl.

The soup was practically finished, he also made boiled eggs, I took one happily.

Minho : I'm doing this because I want to.

: What does it mean?

Minho : I was worried you would die in your sleep.

: Hey! Don't say things like that!

I punched him in the chest in a way it wouldn't hurt.

Minho : Hey! I'm feeding you and you're hitting me? That's very little of you Ji!

: Oh stop it, it didn't even hurt.

Minho : How would you know? I'm suffering.

I caressed his shoulder to "heal" where I hit.
I took back my hand right away, thinking about this man's boyfriend.

: Is your boyfriend not jealous?

Minho : What do you mean?

: I don't know, you're staying with another boy, feeding him and stuff.

The older's gaze softened, like he was making fun of me.

: It's not funny.

Minho : You're wrong, it's very amusing.

He was staring at me without breaking the eye contact, even for a second. I was starting to get embarrassed, I could see him watching me.

I hesitantly looked back, and caught him looking at my lips.

Minho : Anyways, are you better now?

: Yeah, thanks to you.

Shorter chapter sorry!!!
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