Chapter 7

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Felix : Hyunjin!

The blonde seemed happy to see his friend, once felix let go of Hyune, Chan gave him a quick hug to greet him.

: I bought snack for us, let me bring them!

Felix : Jisung, you didn't have to!

Jisung : Stop it Lix!

Felix : I'll help you get them!

I nodded and he followed me to the kitchen.
I was preparing the snacks on a plate when Felix asked me a surprising question :

"Jisung, I don't want to be rude but, you're bi right?" He was himself ashamed of his question.

I widened my eyes, this was unexpected.

Felix : I'm sorry I was wrong to ask you that.

: No Lix it's okay, yes I am, why?

Felix : Oh because I... I'm gay, and Chan told me that it'd be cool to have a friend who understands my feelings.

: Oh I see! I was a bit startled because I wasn't expecting that question, but it's fine! Chan propably told you that I got bullied?

Felix's mouth opened slightly, seemed like Chan hadn't told him.

Felix : Jisung I'm sorry for you!

: What are you sorry for? It's all in the past don't worry.

Felix : I got bullied too during high school, that's propably why Chan told that you would understand me.

: Are you better now?

Felix : Of course, even if I'm still not super comfortable telling my sexual orientation, I made friends who wouldn't judge me.

: I'm glad then! Looks like everything works out at the end.

I was done with the snacks and I was going to head back to the living room but Felix seemed like he wanted to add something.

Felix : And Jisung... Is hyunjin bi or anything?

Oh... I saw where this was going.

: I don't know, why?

Felix : Oh just wanted to know!

: Mhh.. okay!

I left the kitchen followed by felix. Chan and Hyunjin were looking at the deck the older had made.

The afternoon went by and we had finally finished everything we were planning to do.

Chan : It's almost 8pm! We worked for hours.

Hyunjin : It's the first time I've spent that much time on homework.

Felix : Guys! What are you thinking about eating together?

: I'd love that!

Everyone agreed and we went out.

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