Chapter 26

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A few weeks later...

Minho and I were like newlyweds, we would hang out often and were not scared to show our affection for each other, even at school.

We were in english class and Minho was sitting next to me, as usual.
He pinched my cheek and laughed at my embarrassed expression.
We were in our own little world, too much that we didn't even notice someone standing in front of us.

"Hey! Minho!" We both looked up to see a short brunette.
I felt like I saw her somewhere, but I couldn't remember where exactly.

"Yeah?" He was confused.

"Are you gay?" She let out, with no shame.

The boy next to me furrowed his eyebrows, he looked at me, then at her.

"Who are you exactly?" He tilted his head.

The girl's face became red, propably out of embarrassment.

"Tarha!" She almost screamed.

"Oh! I don't know you." He smiled and turned back to me.
He took my hand in his and shook it in the air.

"Want me to be more obvious?" He smirked.

He approached me, I looked at him with a confused look, what was he planning to do?

He took my face and pecked me on the lips. I widened my eyes at the action, I was shocked.

The girl was even more shocked than me, her jaw fell to the floor and she returned to her seat, seemingly mad.

I looked back at Minho, with my mouth in a 'o' shape.

"Are you crazy?"

"Crazy about you." He smirked.

"Oh my god that's so cringe." I laughed at his answer, but I honestly found it cute.

The teacher came into the class and we stood up. He told us to sit down.

"Well kids, I have good news!" He smiled.

Everyone was listening, waiting for him to tell the info.

"We noticed that lately you have put lot of effort into the project and things are almost finished! You did a great job."

Laughs could be heard as well as people cheering.

"So... as promised, we got you a trip!"

The whole class let out screams of joy, Minho looked at me with excitement. He put his hands on my knee and smiled softly, obviously happy to go on that trip.

I smiled back at him, I was excited at the idea of going on vacation with Minho.

Everybody calmed down and the teacher did his job : teaching.

The lesson was boring, looking at the boy next to me wasn't.

"Hyunjin!" I hugged my best friend.

"We're going on a trip with the english class!" I said happily.

"Oh my god! Lucky you!" He laughed at my expression. I explained the details as we walked to the cafeteria, it was crowded.
We managed to pass through the crowd and get our trays.
I could feel eyes on me, I turned around to see the same girl from before glaring at me. I sighed and focused back on my food.
She's going to cause trouble, I just know.

Hyunjin was talking about how hard school was and how he would have prefered to be a singer so he could be rich without trying. I shook my head and told him it wasn't that easy to be a singer either, but he didn't listen.

I barely ate my food since I wasn't in the mood, I felt like something was off, but what?

The day went by and I found myself walking home alone, when suddenly I felt someone grabbing me from behind.

"You scared me!" I screamed.

The brunette was laughing and not taking me seriously, I pouted and turned around to go my way.

"Come on! Jisung!" He caught my arm and kissed me on the lips, I was a bit surprised by the action, but at this point it just felt natural.
I kissed him back until we were out of breath and pulled away.

I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend, now.

"Minho, would you like to be m-"

"You were going home weren't you?" He put his arm over my shoulders.

He acted like I wasn't talking a second ago, I found his reaction weird but I was too ashamed to ask once again, since I had gathered all my courage that was now gone.

I nodded and he held my hand, leading the way to my apartment.

"Tomorrow is Saturday." He stated.

"Yes?" I lifted an eyebrow, not getting why he said that.

"I know a cool place, let's go on a date." He smiled.

"Okay!" I pecked him on the cheek quickly, he ruffled my hair and focused back on the TV.

It's where I belong
Was what I was thinking in his arms, I could feel his heartbeat against my shoulder, seeing him at my sides filled me with joy. Everything was perfect.

We were watching a movie, a boring one that was aired at the moment.
I told Minho I was tired so we went to bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The bed was quite small but we didn't care.

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