Chapter 27

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I woke up with the sound of him talking on the phone. I couldn't distinguish what he was saying.

I got up and headed to where the voice was coming from. Just as I came closer he hung up and turned around.
He jumped back when he saw me, worry in his eyes.

"Oh hey you're awake?" He put his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah, who were you talking to?" I tilted my head, still not completely woken up.

"Oh nobody, do you want breakfast?" He played it off.

I nodded and he went to the kitchen, his reaction was weird. Even if Minho was usually weird, now he was more suspicious.

I followed him there and sat, waiting for him to finish cooking.
I wasn't usually the type to speak up when something bothered me, scared of the other being mad at me.
But I couldn't keep it to myself, not with Minho.

"Hey Minho..." I started.

"Hmm?" He turned his head to face me, still cooking.

"I hate to be like that but, I'm really sorry I don't want to sound rude or-"

"Jisung, it's okay, I'll listen to you, please tell me what's wrong." He cut me off.

"Oh, so the way you wouldn't tell me who you were on the phone with was a bit...weird? Oh my god I'm pathetic forget it!" I burried my face into my hands out of embarrassment, I sounded like a jealous toxic little boy, I hated it.

I felt my hands being pulled off and warmth around my body.

"Always tell me what's on your mind, okay?" He hugged me tighter.

I returned the embrace and nodded.

"And for the phone call, I can't tell you! But you'll find out soon, please trust me." He pulled away and pinched my nose before going back to making breakfast.

What had I ever done to deserve him?

His broad shoulders and perfect body proportions made him extremely attractive from where I was, his hair was getting longer and falling on his neck a bit.
I approached the boy and caressed his locks, making him shiver.

"It's tickling me." I could hear him smile.

"Will kisses tickle too?" I laughed.

"I don't think so, you can try to find out." He turned around a caught my waist between his arms, his plumpy lips landing on my neck. He sucked the area for a few seconds and pulled away, propably looking at the hikes he left there.

"It's becoming hard to hide." I sighed.

"Then don't! Let them know you're mine baby." He stroked my cheek and put his thumb on my bottom lip, looking at it fondly.

"Anyways let's eat breakfast! I'm starving." I pulled away and went back to my chair. Minho laughed and continued to make us food.

"Okay so I have to go home to get ready, I'll send you the adress and we can just meet there at six? If that's okay with you." He explained.

"Hmm, you can get ready here though? No need to go home." I pouted.

"No I have to, it's a date afterall, meeting there will be more romantic." He laughed.

I chuckled and ended up agreeing with him.

"What will you wear?" I asked since I wanted us to be approximately in the same theme.

"Chic but not too much, maybe all white?" He looked to the side.

We finished eating and he helped me clean the dishes, after some time Minho had to eventually go home.
My flat felt empty, and I was bored now.

It was still early so I had lot of time ahead of myself.
I was chilling on my bed when my phone started to ring. I caught it and saw Felix calling me.


-Hey Lix!

-Hi Sung, how are you?

-Good, you?

-Yeah I'm good... I had something to ask you actually.

-Tell me.

-Okay so my friend has a problem.


-I think he likes two perso, but can't choose who he loves.

-Can you tell me how your friend feel when they see them?

-I mean... I don't know how he feels exactly but I think he met the second guy after the first and grew very fond of him and found him super interesting and nice. He loves calling him and telling him how his day went.

-And how does he feel about the first person?

-I think that he is more shy around him and he feel a special connection between them, like they were meant to be. Since the first day he saw him he felt that this wasn't going to be a casual friend. This person loves to make art and my friend loves to watch them, he even went to the studio to paint with him, and he had so much fun. But he thinks that the first person has no feelings for him so he's currently trying with the second person, but it feels wrong, especially when he talk about the second person in front of the first.

-Felix, im my opinion, your friend should take some time to think about what's best for him, and he also should stop assuming people feelings! I'm sure the first person likes him as well.

-You think so? I donlt know...

-Listen, I may not be an expert in love and relationships, but I know a lot about friendships and my friends in particular, trust me and follow your heart.

-So you're telling me to chose the first person?

-I am not telling you what to do, but as a friend I would tell you to go find the first person and tell him how you feel before assuming anything and moving onto another person when you're not sure about your feelings.

-Thank you sung! I'm going to tell him how I feel, I'll tell you how it went.

-Okay! Good luck Lix, and don't forget that you're an amazing person, so even if they reject you, it's their loss!

-Okay! Thank you!


He hung up hastily, making me smile.

Oh Hyunjin, you'd never imagine what I just did.

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