Chapter 33

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"We're finally leaving!" I grabbed Minho's arm and he ruffled my hair as we were putting our luggages in the overhead locker and my boyfriend helped me put mine.
Everyone was chatting and settling in their seats, we were around 40 students going so they were two buses.
Minho let me sit on the window side and he quickly sat down next to me.

"I'm so excited!" I clapped my hands together and pulled out my laptop, I had downloaded a movie for us to watch, Minho brought snacks.
The teacher made the call and verified everything was okay, after a few minutes of talking with the driver, we finally felt the bus moving.
We could hear laughs and chattings even through our headphones, Minho rested his head on my shoulder and I placed mine on top of his.
We had a two hours drive until we got there, so he quickly fell alseep on my shoulder, I looked at him and smiled at the sight, as I was about to look back at the screen of my device, but I noticed a group of girls looking in our way and I sighed.
I focused on the movie and ignored the stares.

"Wake up Min, we're here." I nugded his body lightly and he slowly woke up.
He stretched and looked around him.
He got up and I did the same, the older took both of our bags and held out his hand so I could take it, I looked at it hesitantly.

"What?" He frowned.

"Minho... we're in public?" I whispered.

"And? Look at them, they're holding hands too and nobody says anything." I looked over to see a well-known couple in our class.

I nodded and finally accepted his offer, I didn't kno why but I felt eyes on us, it was propably my imagination.

All of the students were now in front of the big cottage, some of them quickly entered the place we were going to stay at, we followed the crowd and entered in the hall as well.

"Wow it's huge!" I exclaimed and Minho nodded, we had to separate in pairs since one room was for two people, we obviously chose each other.
Everyone had also made their groups before the trip so when the teacher called them, they had to collect their keys and go into their room, we waited patiently for our turn, which quickly came.

Minho stood up to take our keys and signaled me to follow him into the elevator.

"This is going to be fun." He smirked.

"Uhm, you know we had separate beds right?" I asked, uncertain.

"I know, but why bother sleep in different beds when we can sleep together?" He nudged my shoulder with his as we made our way out of the elevator, we walked to our room : 325

He inserted the key and opened the door, I advanced into the room and took a look around, there was a small bathroom at the right and the beds a bit further into it, we also had a window to help us not suffocate, we could see the snowy mountains and it was absolutely beautiful.
The other put our bags on the floor and joined me in front of the beautiful view.
He kissed my hair and put a hand on my waist, I leaned into the side hug and suddenly turned around.

"Let's bring the beds together!" I proudly suggested and Minho accepted without hesitation.
They were heavy but we still managed to fix it so we could have one big bed.

"Well I thought you didn't want to sleep with me?" He poked my cheek but I caught his finger.

"I'd never say no if the question is you." I admitted but the boy's eyes became big.

"Jisung I want to eat you." He approached me and bit my forearm.

"What the fuck Min!" I laughed and walked backwards, but suddenly lost balance and we both fell on the bed, Minho above me.
His hand reached for my hair and he slowly took a strand between his fingers, he leaned down and placed his lips on mine, I let him and moved to the rythm of our make out session, my hands were placed on his neck, his left hand lifted my tigh to his waist and he started to rub our lower parts together, causing me to moan lightly, breaking the kiss.
He smiled and kissed my nose.

"Cute." He muttered, he stood up and helped me do the same, we adjusted our clothes and got out of the room since we were called to gather on the first floor at 5pm.

"Well, for now, you can simply enjoy your evening! The restaurant opens at 6pm and close at 11! Be careful if you want to go outside, it's cold and slippery." The teacher told us what we had to know and finally let us do whatever we wanted.

"I saw a cute coffee shop not so far, want to go there?" Minho tilted his head to the side.

"Of course!" I happily answered and we put our jackets on before going out.

The boy looked at them leave the cottage and sighed, his friends didn't pay attention to him and he was starting to get bored.
"He's ruining my plans." He thought to himself, annoyed by the situation.

Triple update????? You guys deserve it for being so patient fr...

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