Chapter 37

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"What do you think?" He asked as he showed me the hat.

"I mean..." I scrunched my nose.

"Okay I get it you don't like it." He laughed and put it back, we got out of the store and Minho's phone rang in his pocket.
He pulled it out and I looked at his screen to see that his mother was calling, he frowned but picked up.

"Hi mom?" His voice tone showed confusion, I heard his mom talking and Minho's face became pale as he let go of my hand.
He nodded even though she couldn't see it.

"Hm, okay, sorry." He muttered and I heard her shout and she propably hung up afterwards since my boyfriend's hand came down.

"What happened?" I leaned down so our eyes could meet.

"Nothing." He put on a fake smile but I could see the worry behind it, I decided not to push him because he maybe didn't want to talk about it.
I caught his arm and tried to confort him for whatever reason he didn't want to tell me.

Minho was weird the rest of the day, he barely talked and I had to abandon at some point, I knew that something was wrong but I didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell me what his mother said.
We ate dinner in silence, it wasn't weird but the air around us did feel heavier than usual.

"Minho.." I started but was quickly cut off.

"Ji, I don't want to talk about it, please?" He frowned and I zipped my mouth as I nodded in embarrassment.
Once we finished, we decided to go to our room since the skiing had took all of our energy.
I entered the room and Minho was the first to take his shower, I sat on the bed and waited for him to finish, my legs swinging in rythm.
I grabbed my phone and decided to call Felix for advice.



-Hi lix, were you busy?

-No, not at all, did you need something?

-Actually, I need some advice...

-Tell me!

-Well, Minho is weird since this morning and refuse to tell me what's wrong, what should I do?

-Hm, that's weird coming from him.

-I know right?

-Have you tried skinship?

-What do you mean?

-Maybe he doesn't need words but hugs, you never know... or sex?


-I'm just saying!

-Anyways, I'll try cuddles, thanks.

-No problem! And don't worry too much, I'm sure it's just one of those days.

-I hope you're right.


I hung up and sighed, I couldn't help but worry, in the two months of knowing Minho I had never seen him so down, but I decided to listen to Felix to maybe make him feel better since talking didn't seem to be the solution.

Minho got out already in his pajamas, I went to the bathroom and took my shower quickly, I grabbed a towel before joining Minho on the bed.

"Can you dry my hair?" I handed him the towel and he took it.
I sat on his laps and he rubbed the fabric on my head. I didn't want to interrupt the moment by talking so I just accepted his help in silence.

"Done." He put the towel on the radiator and settled in bed, I approached him but he slightly scooted away and my heart broke.
I felt like crying but mentally slapped myself to restrain the tears from falling.

"Good night." He coldly said and turned around.

"Good night..." I went on the other bed and laid down as I felt my nose sting because of the tears I was holding in.
That night was sad.

"Minho... wake up." I nudged him lightly and he slowly opened his eyes, they were swollen and red.

"Minho, did you cry?" I worriedly asked as I took a better look on his face.
But he hid his face from me and got up.

"We should pack our things." He played it off and I sighed.

We organised our things and got out after making sur we didn't forget anything, our gazes met for a brief moment but we both looked away.
The group was now complete and we all followed the teacher to the bus. We settled down on our seats, Minho still hardly talked.

"I'm going home." He told me and I simply nodded, I tried to hug him but he left before I could.
I walked alone to my flat, my head heavy and tears rolling down my cheeks, I felt so dumb for crying over this since Minho was propably having a hard time too, but I just couldn't stop.
I needed someone, a friend to help me, so I decided to call Hyunjin and thankfully he wasn't doing anything so he came over.

We sat down as I served us coffee, I explained the whole situation to him and he frowned once I finished my story.

"Wait, he's like this since the phonecall with his mother right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but he would have told me if something had happened." I looked at my laps and heard my friend sigh.

"Ji, everyone has to deal with their issues, he must have had a good reason, or maybe it was too personal..." He patted my shoulder and I shrugged.

"I know, I'm not blaming him but, he's avoiding me and I feel like he knows it affects me." I looked into my best friend's eyes and he shook his head.

"You didn't even tell him how you felt!" He pointed out.

"How could I? He was barely talking to me." I raised my voice and took a sip of my drink.

"Hm, well, let's wait and see how things go." He told me and I nodded, not having another choice.
Hyunjin tried his best to change my mind and told me about his date with Felix, I felt happy for him, genuinely.
They were cute together and as long as my friends were happy I could only be happy for them too.

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