Chapter 41

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I woke up hardly as my mind was filled with worries and lots of questions.
I still had to go to work, I refused to let myself fall for him again, Minho belonged to my past...right?

I dressed up and joined my car to head to my office.

Ugh I need a cup of coffee
I went to the vending machine and got me a coffee, two of my coworkers were discussing next to me, propably oblivious to the fact that I could hear them.

"Should I ask for his number?"

"Go for it! I'm sure he'd be interested in you!"

I smiled as I drank my beverage, having a crush was cute and it reminded me how I was back then.
I pulled out my phone and went on twitter to check on the news, but was quickly interrupted by someone clearing their throat in front of me.

"Hi." The young man approached me and I tilted my head.

"Hi, do I know you?" I asked.

"Uhm, propably not, but would you like to eat with me after work?" He seemed a bit hesitant and nervous, I noticed he was playing with his rings and barely looked into my eyes.
To be frank, he was actually good looking, he had black hair separated in a side part, his eyes were a light brown and his long eyelashes gave him a charm.

"Sure." I smiled and he bowed.

"Could I have your number then?" He handed me his phone and I entered my number as I found his actions cute.

"My name is Han Jisung and you are..?" I let him finish the end of my sentence.

"Gyunwoo!" He smiled and I bowed lightly.

"So, is this a date?" I laughed as I organised my things before heading out.
The boy smiled shyly and nodded.

"Oh? Really?" I wasn't actually waiting for him to tell me it was one.

"Yeah but only if you want to call it this way!" He waved his hands and I put my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, let's go!" I pointed to the exit and he followed me outside.
We walked to a little restaurant which was know to be very good, we sat down and I ordered chicken as gyunwoo ordered bibimbap.
I looked around me and hummed as I was enjoying the moment, it had been a long time since I met new people so I was excited to make new friends.

"How old are you?" I questioned.

"I am 20, and you?" He lifted his eyebrows.

"I'm 23!" I answered and he made an "oh" sound as he nodded eagerly.
We were talking about work when my phone started to ring, I pulled it out to see an unknown number.
I answered the call and waited for the other person to speak first.

"Jisung?" A low voice spoke, my heart almost stopped as I eyed the younger in front of me.

"I'm sorry I'll go outside for a bit." I excused myself and made my way in the street.

"Minho?" I raised my voice in confusion.

"Were you busy? I can call back later." He carefully suggested.

"I'm on a date, you interrupted me actually." I sighed as I looked to the cars pass in front of me.

"A date?" I heard a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Hm, you heard it correctly." I smiled as I leaned on the wall behind me.

"Oh, okay then, have a good date." He hung up and I was left in confusion, the black screen of my phone reflecting my face.
I went back into the place and sat back down.

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