Chapter 35

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The boy named Hyunwoo quickly went back to where his group was, leaving my boyfriend and I alone.
Minho sat down next to me and threw a glare in my direction, my whole body tensed up and I suddenly felt like I had done something wrong.

"Are you mad?" I approached the boy but he lightly scooted away, which broke my heart.

"I'm not." He sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Minho talk to me, please." I put a hand on his knee but he pushed it away.
It hurt but I could understand why he was acting like that, I would have been angry too, but I knew all I had to do was to communicate and explain the situation, hoping it would fix the issue.

"Can you look at me so I can explain, hm?" He put his phone down in defeat and focused back on me.

"I was waiting for you and he came up to me saying he liked me or whatever, I told him I had a boyfriend but he talked about being a side piece, and when he put his hand on my thigh you came." I sighed and looked down at my laps.

Minho shook his head and bit his bottom lip.

"Sorry I got mad at you, it was because I was jealous." He opened his arms and I joyfully hugged him.

"I am sorry I should have reacted sooner." I also apologised since it was partially my fault too.

"It was propably too sudden, don't overthink it." He caressed my back and I nodded.
We decided to go eat since we were rather hungry.

We were sitting at our table when we suddenly heard the things people next table were saying.

"Minho is such a loner now..."

"I know right? He used to hang out with us."

"His boyfriend propably threatened him to stay with him."

Everyone broke into laughter and even though I was trying to ignore it, Minho noticed I had heard when my expression suddenly transformed in a bloomy one.

"Babe?" He looked down to meet my eyes.

"Hm?" I lifted my eyebrows, trying to look as natural as I could.

"Don't listen to them, they're jealous." He smiled and I nodded even though pretending like nothing happened was hard. I wasn't the type to let criticism get to me, but when it implied someone else I couldn't help but feel bad, people talked like that of him because of me.

"Ji?" He caught my attention again and I lifted my head to listen to him.

"I don't care about them okay? Don't start to feel guilty." He smiled and I did the same in return, he was right.
We finished our meal and went up in our room.
Minho threw himself on the bed and let out a loud breath.

I let myself fall right next to him, our faces were inches apart and our eyes were fixed on each other's.
Minho moved closer and I stood up in panick.
I didn't why but my body had reacted before my mind.

"I'm going to shower." I headed to the bathroom and Minho nodded as he followed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious.

"Uh? Showering with you?" He frowned as it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I'd like to shower alone." I admitted and he slowly opened his mouth.

"Oh." He pursed his lips and went back to the room. I felt bad but went to take my shower anyways.

Once I got out Minho walked past me to go to the bathroom, without a word.
I dried my hair with the towel as I looked through the window, it was completely dark outside now and it looked scary.
I didn't bother to search through my suitcase since I had thought about asking Minho once he would search for his.
I heard him come out of the shower and I turned around to see that he was already dressed.

He sat on the bed and I stood up to go take my pajamas but was suddenly pulled back.
I landed on Minho's laps, with only a towel around my waist.

"Didn't want to shower with me hm? Why?" He kissed my back and I felt shivers down my spine.
I tensed up and stuttered to answer.

"I mean- well- I don't know." I didn't move, my legs not wanting to.

I felt hands go from my waist to my thigh, slowly sliding to my inner legs.
I let his hands wander around my body as I was also starting to get aroused by it.
He slowly reached for my length and I gasped.


He massaged my chest with his other hand as he was gently stroking my dick. I whimpered quietly as I put my hand over his.

"Ji? Tell me if you don't want to." I heard a hint of worry in his voice, but I turned around and smirked when I saw his innocent-looking face.

"How do you look so cute when doing things so inappropriate?" I leaned into a kiss and he waited a few seconds before actually responding to it.
His grip became tighter and his tongue more violent.
We were all over each other and I was unconsciously spreading my legs to give him a better access.
He flipped me down on bed and continued to kiss me without waiting.
My towel was now on the floor and my naked body was fully exposed to my boyfriend.
He broke our kiss to leave sloppy pecks on my body, I placed my hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder.
He was holding my thigh and quickly placed kisses on the inner side too.
I put my forearm over my eyes as I tried to make less noise possible.

"You look beautiful Jisung." He place both my legs over his shoulders and licked my dick boldly from the bottom to the tip.
It was harder for me to control myself and I urged him to put it in his mouth.

"Suck it already." I muttered between two breaths and I could feel his satisfaction.
He place his wet lips on the top and slowly took the length in, twirling his tongue around it and humming, which sent vibrations through my whole body.
He continued to go up and down as I whined about the building up I could let go at any moment now.
My hips were also moving up and down to accelerate the pace as I felt I was about to come.
I could feel Minho's smile as he deep-throatened me, it took a few more pulls and push for me to come in his mouth.
I sat up on my elbows and saw him swallow the semance in his mouth.

"Did you like it?" He asked, a proud expression on his face.

I pulled him to join me on the bed and hugged him.

"I loved it, as long as I do it with you I will always love it." I admitted and I could feel his hand pull me closer to him.

"It's your turn now isn't it?" I smirked and placed myself on top of him as I took off his clothes.

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