Chapter 31

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We headed home after the dinner and as soon as we arrived Minho hugged me.

"Is everything okay Min?" I asked, hugging him back.

"Yeah, I'm happy to have you that's all." He rubbed our cheeks together and I felt his nervousness in the way he breathed.

"Let's wash up and talk a bit, hm?" I asked, maybe he just needed someone to talk.

"Only if we wash up together." He smiled and I hit his shoulder.

"Hm, okay..." I ended up laughing and he did the same, we went to the bathroom together.

"Stop kissing me!" I shouted and he laughed, he was washing my back, at least that's what he was supposed to do.

"You're beautiful Ji." He took me in his embrace and I couldn't resist his cuteness.

"You're lucky you're cute." I sighed and caressed his face, he closed his eyes and melted in my touch, like he was asking for more.
My heart skipped a beat, Minho was particularly affectionate tonight, I wasn't complaining though.

We finished and got out of the bathroom, I gave him pajamas and we dried each other's hair.
Once we were clean and dry, we went to the living room and sat on the couch, I was laying on his laps and he automatically started to stroke my hair.

"Minho, did something happen?" I almost whispered.

"No, why?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"I don't know, you're being different, not in a bad way, but you seemed a bit nervous earlier." I bit my bottom lip, hoping I wasn't crossing a line.

"You're not totally wrong, but that's because I realised something." He sighed and leaned his head back.

"Oh, and do you want to talk about it?" I caressed his hand that was laying on my torso.

"Of course, it may sound dumb though..." he chuckled.

"I'm sure it won't, tell me." I nodded.

"Well, your parents are lovely and I could clearly see their love for you, and I just felt, I don't know, out of place?" He searched his words.

"I felt like I didn't deserve them, because I'm a coward who can't say he has a boyfriend to his parents, and I don't want you to have to go through the stress of having a closeted boyfriend, mainly because you're open about your sexuality, unlike me." He explained and I never stopped caressing his hand.
He looked down at me and I gathered my thoughts before answering.

"Minho, I understand your point of view, I really do, but I want to clarify something." I looked at him and saw that his eyes were shining.

"I don't have to meet your parents for me to be satisfied by you, I love you, not your parents. Also, you're openly gay at school and with your friends, it's not like you were ashamed of being with a man, coming out to your parents is hard, and I understand that, I actually wanted you to meet my parents because I felt like you would need another parental figure? Not that your parents aren't enough, but the other day at the restaurant..." I stopped talking and Minho held my hand.
I sat up and took his face in my hands.
A tear slowly went down all the way to his chin and he whipped it off as quickly as it fell.
I kissed his watery eyes and placed a little peck on his lips.

"Thank you Ji." He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Let's take it slowly min, we don't need to rush." I wrapped my arms around his body and we stayed like this.

"Baby I'll go home! I have to change and take my bag!" He kissed my forehead and left.

"Goodbye.. I guess?" I laughed it off and continued to watch my youtube video as I ate my breakfast.
I quickly cleaned the kitchen and reached my room to get ready for school.

I sprayed a bit of perfume and threw my bag on my shoulder, making my way to school.
The sun wasn't fully up yet and the cold wind was slapping me on the face, I liked winter a lot, because I loved snow and the warmth of home compared to the outside, I was a big fan of hot chocolates and coffees under the blanket.
Once I arrived at school, I saw felix and immediately went to talk to him, I wanted to know what had happened since our call on Saturday.

"Hi lix!" I waved in his direction and he smiled once he saw me.

"Hi jisung! You look good!" He hugged me and parted away to look at my outfit.
I had tried to put effort in my styling because I felt like I had to impress someone now...

"Thank you! You seem in a good mood, anything good happened?" I wiggled my eyebrows and he squinted his eyes and scrunched his nose as a way to tease me.

"Wait? Tell me!" My eyes widened and he laughed.

"Okay okay, so I called you the other day remember? For this friend of mine." He spoke.

"Of course I do, I wonder what happened to that friend..." I rolled my eyes and he hit my shoulder.

"Okay... I know it was obvious ugh!" He rolled his eyes too but quickly grabbed my face into both hands with a serious look.

"I confessed!" He bit his bottom lip and my mouth changed into a 'o' shape.

"To who!?" I caughts his hands into mine.

"Hyunjin!" He jumped slightly and I did the same automatically, we were both laughing and happily jumping like two kids. I didn't know why we wouldn't stop but I was so excited for my friends that I had forgotten we were at college.

"What did he say?" I stopped, remembering I had to know the rest of the story.

"Well, you were right! He liked me too, and he suggested we get to know more about each other. I was so happy I thought I was dreaming." His smile was contagious and I slyly thought about my friend who wasn't sure about his feelings for the boy even though I told him it was romantic interest.
I caressed his shoulder and told him I was happy for him, at the same time, I felt someone grabbing me by the waist.
I turned my head to see Minho, he placed a kiss on my cheek and Felix's jaw fell to the floor.

"What?!" He shouted and Minho smirked.

"Are you two..?" He pointed back and forth between my boyfriend and I, his eyes widened.

"Yes, Jisung is my lover." He smiled and pinched my cheek as I whined.
I tried to bite his fingers but he quickly pulled away before I reached them, he frowned and that made me laugh.

"I don't even know what to say." Felix rubbed his eyes and looked back at both of us.

"Well accept it blondie because I'm going to show off my boyfriend from now." The older put his head on my shoulder and leaned into a full hug.

Hehe new chapter! I'm trying to write more chapter and the end of this book is propably near, maybe like 10 last chapters? :')
Anyways, thank you for continuing to read even though I post once every month lol

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