Chapter 22

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Mey eyelids felt heavy, but I managed to open them.
I felt someone hugging me from behind, I looked over to see Minho sleeping peacefully.

I turned around to face him, everything that we did yesterday came back to my mind and I was embarrassed all of the sudden, I didn't regret it, but it still felt weird.

I caressed his cheek and smiled at the view.
I took back my hand but the brunette place it back on his face.

"You're awake?" I asked.

"No, I'm not, continue what you were doing." He slyly smiled, I chuckled lightly and continued to feel his skin under my fingers.
He leaned into my touch and pulled me closer to him.

I loved the moment, my heart was beating fast and my mind was a mess from all the butterflies I felt in my heart.
I left a kiss on his cheekbone and hid my face because of my action.
His eyes shut open with a surprised look.

"Why are you acting so cute?" Minho pinched my nose.

"I don't know, just feel like it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I should have told you sooner that I was single, I have the impression that you're more touchy since." He smirked.

"Maybe you're right." I closed my eyes and sighed.

He sat up next to me and I observed his moves.

"Are you hungry babe?" The last word made its effect as I forgot to reply for a second.

"Uh-I- No I'm okay."

"You're lying, come with me, I'll make breakfast." He got up and offered me his hand so I could follow him.

We went to the bathroom, washed our face and brushed our teeth.

Once I put the toothbrush back in its place minho grabbed my face and kissed me like he has been craving for it.

I kissed him back and gave him a confused expression when he pulled away.

"I think I like you." He said.

I widened my eyes, not knowing what to respond. It was not that I did not "like" him, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was touch deprived or I had actual feelings, I felt pathetic.

"I'm sorry I-"

"That's okay, you don't have to respond." He smiled sadly and headed to the kitchen.

I was a bit disappointed of myself for not giving him a proper answer, but I didn't want to give him false hope when I wasn't sure of what I felt.

I joined him and we made breakfast together, Minho would peck me on the lips occasionally, it you saw us from outside, we propably looked like an ordinary couple.

We sat down and devoured the food.

"If only all my morning were like this one." I laughed.

The man in front of me smiled but didn't say anything.
I helped him do the dishes and we had the rest of the day for ourselves.

"What do you want to do now?" He played with my hand laying on his chest.

"I don't know, maybe just rest?" I suggested.

He nodded "Wait for me" he put on his jacket and went out. I was confused but let him.

He came back a few minutes later with a plastic bag in his left hand.
He joined me on the sofa and showed me what he had bought.
The bag was full of skincare and snacks.
I smiled, he was cute.

He told me to lay on the sofa and he massaged my face before applying a hamster printed sheet mask.

He took a photo of me, and put his phone back in his pocket.

I stood up and told him to take my place, I did the same to him except that his mask was a cat printed one.

His face made me chuckle and I took a selfie of us, proud of the cute picture.

We let the masks sit for a few minutes beofre taking it off.

"Minho, why are you doing all of this?" I was curious.

"Doing what?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Being so... so cute and nice with me?"

He smiled and put a hand on my head. "Isn't it obvious?" He smiled, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I mean, I need to hear it..." I looked away.

"Hmm, I see." He pulled me closer.

"I'm trying to seduce you." He admitted bluntly.

I blushed at his words, I always loved how he was just honest with his feelings, zero confusion in what he said. I looked up to him and nodded, I wasn't ready to return his feelings yet but I knew that I was starting to grow more confortable with him.

We spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching TV. I liked that feeling.
Maybe it was what I was missing? Love.
I took a few glance at the boy, he was good-looking, nobody could deny the fact.
I wondered what I had done for him to be so clingy.
Why did he like me in the first place, I wasn't very special and did nothing in particular to attract him.
I felt lucky.

The sun set down and Minho had to leave.

"See you tomorrow cutie" He blew a kiss before walking away.

I closed the door, I was smiling ear to ear like an idiot, I felt like a teenager who talked with his crush, I was lost in thoughts when my phone rang.


Hyunjin : Hi, what are you doing?

: Nothing, Minho just left.

Hyunjin: Minho? What? Don't tell me he sleptover.

: Yeah he did, Hyunjin I think he likes me.

Hyunjin : Oh Jisung... don't fall for his lies.

: But they are not lies, I can feel that he's sincere.

Hyunjin : I hope so, but don't open up too much okay? Promise me you will take your time.

: I promise you Hyunjin.


I admit, I just wanted to write a cute and fluffy chapter lool, I loves these too much.
But anyways, thank you for reading<3
The book reached 1k readings I'm so shocked lol, when I first started to write it I wouldn't have thought that someone would actually read it but yeah
Thank you again! :)

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