Ch. 11 ~The Cellar~

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' - ' ~ Inner thoughts
" - " ~ Dialogue
Letters in Itallic are letters or books.
* - * ~ Sound effects

Lorena's POV:

I was going to head over to the previous Lord's home to rest out the key as soon as I woke up but Meowki won't stop making these horrid sounds. So I thought of making him a food bowl and litter box. It took a while because he was scratching at me and hissing me but as soon as I finished he calmed down. I let out a deep breath and made my way upstairs. I was getting ready to leave as I said goodbye to all of my animals.

'Sean 'Connory seems to have gotten bigger again.'

As I'm closing the door behind me I got scared because I saw Donna just arriving.

"Donna? What's wrong?"

Donna: "Garroth sent me here. It's seems there's an issue in town that needs your immediate attention.

They're waiting for you in the farm house."

I nod my head and start running to the farm house. The farm house is Brenden's home. I barge in when I notice Brenden laying on his bed and Zenix, Garroth, and Kiki surround him. The color on my face drains.

'Oh no... what happened to Brenden...'

I walk up to him and notice how heavy he is breathing. He must be in pain from something. I go up to Garroth to get an answer.

Garroth: "Bu the umbral hells! Brenden has been attacked and he's in terrible shape... the arrow pierced his chest and we have no idea where the bleeding is coming from. Lorena your help is required, we need to get Brenden a special herb from Bright Port - I've already sent word to Paul via Raven, there should be a doctor waiting for you. Please get this herb before sundown or... I don't know if we'll be able to save him..."

"Wait... what? What happened!?"

Garroth: "There's no time to explain.

Just GO! NOW!"

I nod my head and run out of the Farm house and sprint towards the docks. I jump onto the ship not even caring about being careful. I quickly start maneuvering the ship towards Bright Port. After a few minutes I finally arrive and I see a man standing next to a chest waiting on the dock. I stop the boat not to the dock and jump onto it as I run towards the man.

???: "Paul told me everything. Take the contents of my chest and go.


I nod my head and give him my thanks as I open the chest and grab a satchel that was in there.

'This must contain the herb.'

"Thank you Doctor!"

He nods his head and I rush and jump onto my ship and back to my village. After a few minutes I finally arrive stopping the boat next to the dock and jumping onto it running towards the farm house. I barge in and run to Garroth and give him the satchel with the herb.

Garroth: "Many thanks to you Lorena. By no means does this herb have any miracle powers... it's simply used to slow down the bleeding. I still need time to work with Brenden, but he should be easier to treat now.

Take this, I know you'll put it to wonderful use. Now leave me be to my work."

I nod my head as I see what he placed in my hands.

'3 diamonds!? That's a lot!'

I thank him and put them into my inventory. I make my way towards Kiki to see how she's doing.

Kiki: "BRENDEN! No... will he be okay?


I told her about the herb.

Kiki: "... Really? Garroth really is amazing, I hope... I hope he's able to help Brenden. I'll be here by my brothers side, please make sure my animals are okay.

Thank you for this Lorena... for everything."

"You're welcome."

I give her a small smile and bow my head. I turn over to Zenix and walk up to him to understand what happened.

Zenix: "It was terrible... Brenden and I were just about done for the night and about to head back to town, next thing I know Brenden had an arrow through his chest."

"Did you see who did this?"

Zenix: "Yes, I did and I bloody chased the bastard off into the woods. I didn't pursue him long, I had to get back to help Brenden. But I saw the direction he took off in... it was West of the Lord's house. Funny thing is..."


Zenix: "I don't think Brenden was the one he was after... Honestly it was by chance Brenden happened to be walking in front of me and then... this.

It's not devastating when you see it happen right before your eyes... the face of happiness turn to hurt... it's terrifying. Regardless... I'm going to be upping my patrols to put my sword into this... heathen. Heavens hope he never crosses my path again."

"Should I go find this guy?"

Zenix: "No. I've already had someone get hurt. I'm not letting you be next."

I nod my head. I look at the room and realize it's best I give them all some space. I remember Kiki asked me to check on her animals so I go to the Plaza to check on them. As I'm walking down the stone steps to the Plaza I notice a man standing in the food stand.

'Is that the food merchant?'

I walk up to him to ask if he's the food merchant.

???: "Are the rumors true? Has this place been attacked by bandits...? One of the ladies at the local brothel said it was attacked by bandits shooting arrows.

I'm not sure if I want to set up shop here..."

"What!? We don't have a... Mistress House!"

???: "Are you sure? That house across the farm seems like that to me. Hmph, well... I'm not selling anything until the gentlemen who was attacked tells me otherwise.

Good day."

I puff out my cheeks and pout.

'What a rude man!'

I walk away from him and decide nows the best time to head to the cellar in the previous Lord's home. I run towards the previous Lord's home. As I arrive I start taking the key out of my inventory and head down the stairs that lead to the cellar. I put the key in the key hole and turn it only to hear a click.

'It worked!'

I open the cellar door and see a small room with a table with a book, a chair and a chest in the ground next to the table. I look at the chair and sit down as I open the book on the table. It seems to be a journal.

My name is Malik if you're reading this then that means I'm gone. I don't know what "gone" means... I might be dead or I might be rotting in a cellar. I was the Lord of this village, I named it "Phoenix Drop".

I only hope the new Lord takes into account the feelings of the local villagers... if they will even remember me.

Alas, I cannot write for long... my wife and I are planning on leaving this village tonight. It's shameful for me to take refuge but my family comes first.

I leave my journal on my desk for the convenience of anyone to find, just know that if you take responsibility for a village... The King will come after you like he did me.

He'll send his knights of shadow to get you first, then... wait, something is going on upsta—

The pen scratches off the book into the desk as if left in a panic.

I stare at the book and then I look at the chest next to it. I open it to find the previous Lord's crown, coat and boots. I decide to leave it in there and head back to the door to get out. I look for a way out and find a lever on the bottom right. I pull it down and the cellar door opens. I walk home in silence. I decide to leave everyone as they are. I sit on my bed to think about what I just read.

'I don't know if I'm ready or capable of being a Lord... but "Phoenix Drop" is a beautiful name..."

Minecraft Diaries (Aaron x Lorena) Book 1 |The Rise of Phoenix Drop|Where stories live. Discover now