Ch. 63 ~The Pendant~

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' - ' ~ Inner thoughts
" - " ~ Dialogue
Letters in Itallic are letters or books.
* - * ~ Sound effects
( - ) ~ Whispering

Lorena's POV:

I woke up early today from not being able to sleep. The sun is barely rising when I notice Kiva step out of the house Kiki is resting in. I walk over to her to see what's wrong.

Kiva: "Lorena... Khira has something she'd like to discuss with you about Kiki... I um, I don't think I'm the one who should tell you this. I'm not suited for that kind of confrontation."

"Just tell me!"

Kiva: "No. I am too young and inexperienced to handle matters such as that. Please go see the Elder Lady, Khira."

I nod my head and apologize for rushing her to tell me. She smiles and nods her head. I walk towards the cave where Khira and Bodolf are and instantly see Khira waiting for me. She gives me a concerned look. Before she speaks she gives me back Kiki's Pendant.

Khira: "Lorena I... Lorena I... Lorena I don't even know where to begin on how to tell you about Kiki's condition. It's a sick and twisted one... Are you sure you can handle anything I might tell you, even if it is one of the most far-fetched abominations you have ever heard?"

"I can handle it."

Khira: "Very... very... very well then... Kiki was holding a Pendant known as the Birth Pendant. It's an ancient Zonaralian Relic that has the power of birthing children. Long ago there was a tribe that consisted only of women, and they kept it as such. For many centuries, both men and women of the normal human world, wondered how they reproduced with only women... people often thought that they rid of the baby boys born, but they were not that cruel, not towards children anyway. Our tribes were keen with each other those hundreds of years ago. There are drawings from our Ancestors that speak of them. Hence why I know this. This Relic is the most prominent of all those drawings, and it speaks of it being the catalyst for Zonaralian babies."

"So what does this mean?"

Khira: "From what we... from what we... from what we understand of our Ancestor's drawings we believe that this Relic was a gift from the Sacred Protector in the sky of the Zonaralian Tribe. The Sacred Protector gifted them the Pendant and when pricked with the blood of a male and female, it would produce a female kin in the form of an egg. Sister Lorena... I believe this Pendant is an egg and the egg belongs to Kiki."


Khira: "As I... as I... as I said... it's a very far fetched tale. Does this egg contain Kiki's blood is what the question is... it is very much beaming with life, but in order for that to happen, it has to have pricked the figure of a male and female of the human species... but I must ask, who gave this to her...?"

"The High Priest of O'Khasis..."

Khira: "......... Keep him........ Keep him...... KEEP HIM AWAY FROM HERE! THAT MAN IS NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!"


Khira: "The High Priest... The High Priest... The High Priest of O'Khasis is a terrible person, we believe he is who started this whole tribal war between the two Werewolf Tribes."

"Are you sure?"

Khira: "Yes... yes... yes, if not him then a human clothed in white... with a similar scent to him. We cannot confirm if it was his face or not... but for him to do this to Kiki... what intention does he have with her...? Does he mean to take her magicks away, or to put it into a new life?"


Khira: "Kiki has... Kiki has... Kiki has always had magicks. Though unlike other users who can control their magicks at will, Kiki's is passive. It's always active hence her ability to commune with animals and understand them. I take it you don't know much about how Magicks in our world works..."

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