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Seeing the iron rod in the hand of the masked girl standing in front, the condition of both of them started getting worse. By now the smoke had dissipated and they could clearly see her merciless eyes filled with rage. They were getting scared thinking what would happen to them in the future. It was certain that they would not escape this place alive.

Then that girl gave a look to Abhinav and pulled the rod with full force and hit Amit hard on his leg, which made him scream painfully and he fell on the ground. What was it then.... One after the other, without stopping, don't know how many times that iron rod kept hitting Amit's body. With each blow, blood gushed out from his body and with it, his intense screams echoed throughout the room. He kept pleading to her again and again to leave him, to forgive him, but that girl started beating him more badly showing no mercy at all.Still she was not satisfied with all this so she threw the stick aside and hit him with a heavy kick in the stomach, due to which he rolled away and hit his head on a wall and after which he fell unconscious.

Seeing this dreadful scene in front of him, Abhinav got goosebumps. A shiver ran through his body from head to toe and when he saw that the girl was now moving towards him, his hands and feet started trembling with fear. He could see his death in that girl. All the bad things he had done since the beginning till now, all started revolving in front of his eyes like a film.

Immediately he fell at her feet to beg for his life. joining his hands, he begged, "Please forgive me... I promise that I will never do any illegal work again. I will never do drug smuggling again. Please forgive me... Let me go." Please." He had thought that if he had to rub his nose on the ground to save his life at this time, he would do that too. Then he would get out of here and go underground for a few days and no will be able to find him.And in the meanwhile he will form a new plan to fight against her.

He thought that his talk would have some effect on that girl and she would give him a chance and leave him, but it did not happen. For a few seconds she stared at his face with those menacing eyes, then clenched her hands tightly and in the blink of an eye, Abhinav was thrown on top of the glass table, breaking the poor glass and Abhinav's silly bones as well.

Tugging at Abhinav's collar with one hand, she pushed him against a wall and pulled a wooden chair and sat in front of him. Abhinav's condition had worsened now, glass had entered his body at various places and blood was oozing out of him. Keeping his eyes open with great difficulty, he regained his senses. She was sitting on a chair resting her elbows on her legs. Suddenly he was so close to her that he recalled something,"QUEEN OF SPADES?????" He said in full astonishment.

The girl behind the mask smiled crookedly and her lips moved to say something, "Maybe... Maybe I am the same, but what will you do after knowing..." Then after stopping for 2 moments, she smiled sarcastically and continued,"But I am not what you are thinking. Because if she had come, she would have brought a storm with her....

On the other hand, thousands of kilometers away from India, a convoy of about 10-12 black, expensive cars was running on the wide roads of Dubai.

Here that girl further said,"...when she speaks everyone becomes silent and when she walks everyone's eyes are only on her...

On the other side, that convoy of cars stopped outside a big penthouse in Dubai. A young, handsome guy came out from the driving seat of a car in the middle, he got down and opened the door of the back seat and the next moment a beautiful girl, 5 feet 6 inches tall and fair skinned, in a black business suit came out. With black glasses on her eyes and impressive strong look on her face, she started going inside with strong steps. Her bodyguards in black suits were standing on her right and left with guns in their hands.

Here this girl further said, "... Now the daughter of a lion is a lioness na and in front of a lioness, how can a jackal like you survive..?"

On the other hand, the girl entered the house fiercefully and climbed the stairs to reach a room where a primitive was kept tied to a chair with a rope but the man was conscious and anger could be seen on his face.

Taking off her shades, she put them in her pocket and folding her hands, she said jokingly, "Hey Mr. Batra, you are looking very angry, what happened, did we make a mistake, or is there something missing in our khatidaari?" Saying this she started laughing and the bodyguards also laughed along with her.

(Khatirdaari means taking care of
But here it is in sarcasm )

It was obvious that they were laughing at Mr. Batra's condition. Seeing this, the man got furious and said to her, "You open me once Shivaani ,I swears that i will kill you in the same way as your parents died..." Just then Shivaani kicked him so hard that he lost his balance and fell down with the chair he was tied to. Clenching her fists, Shivaani tried to control her anger She gritted her teeth and while glaring at him she ordered the bodyguards , "Let's get out of here." she said and walked out with her bodyguards.

Here this girl said to Abhinav, "... you must be thankful that she did not come here, otherwise she would have given you such a painful death that you have never thought of." by saying this suddenly her expressions changed. She pointed the tip of the handgun directly between his eyebrows. The fear of death was clearly visible in Abhinav's eyes, beads of sweat started appearing on his forehead, but now he was in such a situation in which he could not be saved.

There Shivaani was standing at some distance from that penthouse with her guards and was looking at the house for a while now. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0." As soon as her count was over, there was a tremendous blast in the penthouse and here the bullet of this girl's gun crossed Abhinav's head.


Who is the one who has taken Abhinav's life? Is she the Queen of Spades? Who is Shivaani and who has  killed her parents? To know the answers of these question keep reading to DESTINED TO BE WITH YOU on WATTPAD.


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