Ch 24 Old Enmity-1

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But then Navya's sharp voice reached his ears, "Today's meeting is the new beginning of our enmity. Best of luck Shivaani because very soon I am going to snatch everything from you. Even your happiness!!"

Everyone looked at her. Holding the glass of wine in her hands and leaning against the table, she was looking at Shivaani with a mysterious smile.

"Hey Aaltu Jalaltu Aayi Bala Ko Taal Tu!! But this witch named Navya is not leaving us. Like a chewing gum, she is stuck in our life." Ranbir said angrily in his mind.

Shivaani glanced a look at Navya and then left from there with Ranbir and Aarohi.

At this time Arohi, Ranbir and Shivaani were boarding the car. Ranbir was driving and Shivaani was staring at the busy roads of Mumbai. Her hair was blowing in the wind but she was engrossed in deep thoughts, not caring about them.




It was morning time and as usual, students were sitting in their classes or roaming outside in the corridors. Similarly, in first year section A, students were studying and some were busy gossiping.

Everyone was wearing very expensive clothes which indicated that they all belonged to very rich families.

Just then the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom. As soon as she arrived, everyone sat at their respective places.

The age of that teacher would be around 35-37. She was wearing round thick frame glasses with red lipstick.

Smilingly, the teacher attracted everyone's attention and said,

"I know it's more than half the time since the semester started and your final exams are also around the corner but today we have a new admission joining us mid semester. So everyone, meet your new classmate, Shivaani." As soon as she said this, Shivaani, wearing black jeans, white T-shirt, black leather jacket and carrying her bag on one shoulder, entered the class with steady steps and stood a little distance from the teacher.

"So this is Shivaani. Your new classmate. I hope you will consider her as your friend and won't give me any chance to complain." The teacher said.

At first no one was much bothered after hearing about the new student, but after seeing Shivaani's attitude and those beautiful brown eyes of hers, more than half of the boys lost their sleep. Everyone was staring at her.

"There's space in the last row, you can sit there." When the teacher told her, she nodded and sat on the window seat in the last row.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her. But she was listening to songs with headphones in her ears and a do not disturb expression on her face.

After a few moments, someone patted her on the shoulder. When she raised her orbs, she saw a hand had grown in front of her.

"Hello, I am Aarohi Sharma and this is Ranbir Marwah. If you want, we can take you around the college campus."

Shivaani looked once at Aarohi and once at Ranbir before removing her headphones as shook hands with her. And this is where the friendship between these three started.

From that day onwards, the friendship between the three of them became deeper. They would have lunch together, study together, roam around and do various other activities together. Shivaani never had any close friends, but after both of them came into her life, this too was fulfilled.

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