Chapter 3

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I pick up '21 Jump Street' and laugh "This is such a funny movie... Do you mind?"

"Not at all, but uh.. I gotta change. You will be right by yourself for a bit yeah?" He asked, without even waiting for a reply he bounded up the staircase into his room.

He came back out wearing nothing but some light grey torn sweat pants and a white singlet, his muscles looked tensed even though he was relaxed. He grabbed a blanket and came and sat next to me, throwing the quilt over both our feet.

We put on 21 Jump Street and I would say I fell asleep rather early into the movie; I entwined my legs with Josh's for warmth and nodded off. 

Waking up to a dark room my eyes search for anything  that could tell me the time when I look up and realise I'm on the floor. "Whaat the...?" I whisper wondering how I got here. Pulling at the blanket a little, all of it fell of Josh and it landed onto me with a light thud.

"Don't be a hog" He groaned without opening his eyes

"Sorry, but you stole the lounge it's only fair" I huff as I sit up, narrowly advoiding the glass coffee table which skimmed my messy pony tail.

Watching in the dim light, I see Josh tuck his legs back up "Blanket. Now" he demanded softly

"That's reaaalll smooth" I laugh as I lay on the lounge not giving him any blanket

"Please?" His voice so soft, like he is forcing himself to stay awake in conversation. Giving him half, a light smile creeps onto his face as he snuggles under "Thank yo-"

He was cut off by his own sleep so it leaves me smiling also "Your welcome". Scanning his face, he looks so peaceful, like a baby, but a hot one with muscles!

Laying back, I fall asleep smiling as exhaustion takes over me and sends me into the black void of sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Want some food Ellie?" Josh asked from the kitchen as he wakes me up with the sound of clattering pans

"Ugh I would kill for some food" I moaned as I peel my eyes open from the abyss called sleep "I would also kill for more sleep"

"Eggs? Bacon? Pancakes? Waffles? Buffet?"

"Anything you are prepared to make"

"Pancakes and waffles it is" Josh began to make the pancakes and waffles from scratch, he then smiled at me with his stupendous charm "Go, do whatever I'll be done in 20ish minutes"

I close my eyes for what feels like one second and wake up to plates being set on the table and running water in the sink. Sitting up I look over to the table where three plates full off pancakes with blueberry's, raspberries and strawberries with maple syrup sat with a light golden brown stack of waffles on the side.

"Holy sh*t" I laughed "This looks amazing" Getting up I walk over and sit at where I assume my breakfast it

"Dig in, Lacy! Breakfast" Josh yelled out.


It had been one term, three weeks and in four days we start school, almost every day I went over to Josh's house to play with Lacy, when she was in bed, Josh and I would talk and chill on the lounge, sometimes lay in some weird hugging thing on the floor where I would lay my head on his stomach. But, why I find him such a good person is, he never even attempted to do anything more.


"Tyler again?" Madi asked over the phone

"Again" I moaned, M. has been my best friend since Jealous Jess and I started to hate each other, she has been there for me through everything and I love her like a sister.

"So run me through last night again, you guys just laid there and fell asleep, nothing apart from hugging?" She asked shocked that there where genuine guys still out there. "No kissing, touchy feely ooey gooey stuff?"

"Yup, just dinner and a movie, then fall asleep on the lounge" I replied with a laugh, "There isn't anything going on with us."

"What about Tyler?" Madi asked a bit more serious now "You guys aren't officially over yet... are you?"

"We are. He just doesn't actually... know... yet." I replied, I slowed my words while I realised we weren't actually over.

"You got to tell him soon sugar" She said loudly under her breath, "I got to go, dinner and all. Tell me what happens ok?"

"Sure thing"

"Ok, love you"

"Love you too"


"Bye" I said before the phone fell dead in silence. Dropping the phone to my bed I let out a loud groan and face planted into my pillows. Rolling over I held my large brown teddy bear in the air above my head "Why do boys have to be so annoying, and others, so dreamily cute?"

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