Chapter 26

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'Why is he here? Is something wrong? I only just got back, what makes his show up at my doorstep wearing a black hoodie, holding my home address?' all these thoughts began to rush in my head

"What time is it?" He asked me as he removed his hoodie and stepped inside

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh staring at us "It's almost nine o'clock, why?" I asked trying to break the tension

"Turn on the news, it's urgent" he said ignoring Josh's stares and walking into the lounge room with me. I picked up the remote and flicked it over to the news to see a video of a fashion show in New York "Good, once this is over it'll be on" He said taking a seat

Josh walked over and stood in front of Charlie "So El, you going to introduce us to your... Friend?" He asked me

"Oh, sorry" I said lowering my gaze "Um, Josh this is Charlie. Charlie this is Josh. Josh is my boyfriend and Charlie is my ..." I wasn't sure what to call him anymore

"I'm her brother" he smiled before standing up and putting out his hand for Josh to shake "And what the hell Ava, you never told me you had a boyfriend, Pop's gonna be pissed"

Josh shook his hand before shooting me a look "Wait, brother? I thought you are an only child" He asked confused "And what are you going on about?"

"It doesn't matter. But, I kind of am, you know how I am adopted? Well I have been at their place, seeing if I was part-." I began to talk but I was stopped by a loud 'SHHHHH' from Charlie "What?" I asked as I joined the two boys on the lounge

"It's the story!" He said pointing to the screen and pressing record on the remote

"Hello and welcome to the late news on 3. Tonight..."A middle aged woman with red hair began to talk.She mentioned some stories that happened around the world before I saw a picture in the corner of the screen of me walking out of the Drielle's household. "Breaking news coming from the Drielle's household in England." She continued talking for around ten minutes before a picture of Marne and I flashed onto the screen, although Marne was cropped out of the shot. Next to me was a picture of Arianna.

I stared at the screen as the lady kept talking "Yet another lookalike has tried to claim the fortune of the Drielle household. Seventeen year old local girl, Elvira Emerson flew to England in a private jet and stayed with the Drielle's for several days as the usual protocol went underway. Now crossing live to Suzannah Macaw". I was stunned when a lady was standing out the front of my gates amongst many other reporters, I heard something yelling my name so I walked over to the window and peered outside.

I saw camera's flashing and a whole crowd of reporters scrambling at my gate. "Thank you Julie, I'm here outside the house of Elvira Emerson. The newest member amongst the few hundred ladies attempting to become, 'Avalon Drielle'." The yelling calmed down for a few minutes before the image appeared on screen. It was Madi. "Excuse me, Miss. Hello, Suzannah Macaw here from channel 3 news. What can you tell us on the situation occurring with Elvira and the Drielle household" the lady asked Madi as she opened the gate so she could drive in.

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