Chapter 37

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"Really?" I ask him as we lounge beside my pool

Running his fingers through his hair he sighed "Well it's either me or, them"

"Jacob... But I-"

"It's just for show and tell. This marriage doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it too. We could spend the rest of our lives just as best friends. Or, if anything more grows. Then we are already married and we can do a private ceremony, which is real."

"Ok... Let's do it. Let's get married. At least it will keep everyone else happy..." I laugh as I slide into the pool dragging him with me. As we bob up and down in the water all I can think about is the first time I met Jacob as 'Darcy'. "So can I as you something Darcy?"

"Yes Bob. You can"

"That night, by the old bird house. You said you had loved someone since you were young. If we are going to get married, you can be with her. Since you love her... But, who was it? Who is it?" I ask as we swim slowly to the opposite end in which we entered where it was shallow enough to stand.

He stood at the end and took a deep breath "You really wanna know?"

"Yeah, I want to know my competition" I laugh

"Well, it's pretty tough. See I met her when I was 8; she was the most beautiful person I ever laid eyes on.  She wore her hair in a low braid for three years before her style changed, and her smile lit up a room like a star. She has a beautiful soul, and my spirits rise when she enters the room. And when I speak to her. She has made me the happiest man on earth and yet she knew not of my feelings towards her. She makes me laugh and I can be myself around her. She knows me better than anyone else. She has flaws, which to me aren't flaws, they are perfect, and she is perfect. This person makes me feel like my dreams and possibilities are limitless and there is nothing I can't do without her by my side. But when I leave her. My heart breaks a little. Because, although I fell in love with her the moment I gave her a necklace. She has had boyfriends, and come to me for advice about them. But I couldn't bear to see her in pain so I would give her advice which saved their relationship. But I was always there to mend her broken heart. She doesn't know anything about this... She is the love of my life and my best friend."

I began biting the inside of my cheek as he spoke. Listening to him speak of this other girl made me jealous. But, I wouldn't let him see it. "Aww" I moaned as what he said touched my heart like those soppy chick flick movies, before it hit me "What the heck! I thought I was your best friend. Not fair yoggy bear! I am your best friend not heeeer!"

"Exactly" he chuckled quickly, this left me stunned before he repeated himself "Exactly".

I didn't even realise he got out of the water until I blinked my blurry vision away to find an empty pool with only Ari at the other end working to get  a tan.

'What? Did. Did he just admit that he has loved me for six years? SIX YEARS? Wait. He just admitted he loves me, LOVES... Me? Me? The one person I would never trade for anything. The one person who I would take a bullet for. The one person I have shared everything to. Loves me. I mean sure, they are all the same qualities as Madi. But she is a she. And he is a he. He loves me? Me? Wait... Do I? Do I have feelings for him? I mean I am only 18, I don't know what love is. But, I need to talk to him'

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