Chapter 10

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The last week of school was very full on, everyone was handing in assignments and receiving their mid-year reports. But Madi and I, all we could think about was holidays, with only four days to go, and the rolls had stopped being marked, we decided to ditch. As soon as the rain had stopped during first break, Josh, Liam, Madi and I emptied our lockers before making a run for the car park. Madi and I caught the bus to school and Liam walked so that left us all cramming into Josh's Black 1969 Dodge Charger R/T 440. Josh and I sat in the front while Liam and Madi parked themselves in the back seat.

We drove past the guard as she waved us goodbye, she knows that some students have classes that finish during the day and some that extend to after normal school hours so she usually has students come and go.

"Was that just me or was it to easy?" Liam asked Madi and I knowing that Josh had the same question in his head

"Madi and I bring her 'delicacies' such as candy, cake, and donuts, anything that we have that we want to give her. We have late classes some days and we get food, and grab a little extra for her. She is very nice. Her name is Fern Summers and she has five sons and three daughters" I explained before Madi helped describe the 'situation'

"She thinks we are sweet for spending our money on food for her and she gives us a little leniency" Madi smiled as we stopped at a red light out the front of Surf Dive 'n' Ski, "Hey look, that new Australian shop has opened up"


After watching a movie and having lunch, Josh and I dropped Madi and Liam around the time they would usually get home. But Josh didn't take me home, we went up to a look out and watched the ocean, the soft blue and white waves running over each other like horses, before retreating and repeating the same movement. It was so calm and soothing, it gave me time to think "Hey Josh" I said as I leant against the door to face him

"Hm?" he replied as he met my gaze "What's up?"

"Is it just me, or is Madi acting weird?" I asked as I began to twirl my loose strands of hair around my index finger.

"You saw it to? I thought it was just me who thought so... to me she seems more obstinate than usual, being more... stuck up. I dunno, what do you think?" he asked first in shock and awe but then his voice was laced with concern.

"You don't think Madi and Liam are having problems do you?" I asked as I faced away and began watching the waves again, I stopped twirling my hair and began twisting my ring, terrible habit's I don't even know I do until someone mentions it.

Josh faced away and looked out the window at a small forest of tree's that make the entrance to the look out "Liam loves her, but lately I have noticed that Madi isn't even kissing him, only letting him kiss her on the cheek and even that is a rare pleasure for him... Are they splitting up? Have they already split up? I just don't want to see Liam get hurt"

"You know, you sound exactly like me, with all your quirky questions and conclusions" I smiled to him as my gawk flickered back to him "We will call them or see them tomorrow and find out... Ok?"

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