Chapter 41

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Morning struck with birds calling from outside, the warmth of the electric fire swelled through the room although the familiar greeting of a human next to me was not a greeting I had the pleasantry of receiving. Quickly sitting up I grabbed the black shirt of Jacobs that sat at the end of the bed and hopped out of bed, sliding on a pair of track pants.

"Jake?" I called out while skipping down the stairs and tying my hair into a ponytail "Oi, where are you?"

With no response I continued into the kitchen looking around for a note, but the house was spotless, literally, someone had cleaned it – scratch that, someone is cleaning it. The vacuum blared from the other room; I followed the noise only to be left with a pit in my stomach to see it wasn't Jacob, or anyone I knew...

"Ah good morning lovey" A familiar voice sounded from behind me "Fancy some tea, coffee or a uh... milo – whatever that is?"

"MADI" I beamed before turning around and jumping on her, she looked different now, slim with long hair in soft curls, tanned and radiant "I've missed you! Where have you been?"

"I missed you too, and I went back to Cali for a bit, cause you know it's summer over there right... Why aren't we in America where it's warm instead of Aus-tra-lia where it is COLD?"

"Cause this is where I live now" I sighed "But I do wish it was warmer"

"Speaking of living here now, are you all by yourself? Cause I arrived at like 1... 1:30 this morning and you were sleeping alone, there was no cars in the car space... I thought you and Jake lived here together"

"We do and what do you mean... no one was here at all? He left last night?"

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger... Wait I am seeing it so... Don't shoot the sight messenger thingy..."

I fell silent and began making myself some coffee when Madi put her hand on my shoulder and turned me to face her.

"Hey, Jacob left... So what... Why do you think I am here without Liam? He left the same way. It's a sign from the Gods and Goddesses or whoever is up there...."

"And that sign is?"

"Duh! Girl's week! I mean you have this huge house... You are royalty... We are both engaged... Why don't we have a girl's week?"

We both began squealing, me because Madi is engaged and with me in Australia and I guessed she was squealing out of pure excitement of being here with me, plus having a girls week.

Waking up on the lounge with a hangover was hardly an experience I thought I'd be feeling before my future "Royal Wedding". But with a Jack Daniels bottle still hanging from my hand with a drizzle left in the bottom and other cans completely empty making a tower on the dining room table, food spilled over and a pile of... coins sprayed across the 'twister' set in the living room. This was like old times, but without the previous fun of the buff boys, the blonde Jayson and the army brunette Bjorn, the fun loving Auburn Jacob. It was almost a home experience... Almost.

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