Chapter 7

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"Lacy?" I asked as we were playing with Barbies

"Yea BFF?" Lacy replied as she finished dressing her 'Lacy Barbie'

"Do you remember a while ago I left for no reason and there was another girl in the kitchen?"

"Ugh, Kristie is a stalker" she laughed "Yea, I remember. Why are you asking?"

"Is she Josh's girlfriend?"

"NO WAY! They broke up a few months before we moved, I heard her family moved so Kristie could be with Josh, but then her dad got a promotion and moved here anyway"

"So why were they kissing in the Kitchen?" I asked both in relief but with a million questions running through my mind

"Because she is a stalker who is trying to get him back, but he yelled at her and kicked her outside seconds after you left" She laughed happily "You know, Josh doesn't even like Jessica, she is sticky like glue and he keeps telling her to go away, but she won't so he just sighs a lot"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I stopped brushing 'Ellie Barbie's hair

"He has a mad crush on you. It doesn't take a dummy to see it!" She laughed "She said 'If Josh stops liking you, then she has won'. I don't get what that means tho"


"Mum, I home" I called out after I finished looking after Lacy, I avoided Josh at all costs, I couldn't see his face after what I found out, I was worried I would do something that I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Hey" Madi yelled as she ran down the stairs and jumped onto me to give me a VERY large hug.

"Hey to you too" I laughed as I put her back on the ground "Oh my god, I'm late aren't I?"

"Yup but that's ok, I chose our outfits" She smiled as she dragged me to my room.


In an hour, we ate, brushed our teeth, did our hair and makeup and got dressed. Madi wore a white dress with diamantes coming across the tight bust and the flair tu-tu hem and had white pump, platform heels on, her hair fell over her shoulder from extensions in light curls that were held in place by hairspray. I on the other hand wore a neon blue dress in the same style with gloss black open toe heels; I had tight, bouncy curls that fell down my back with lots of hairspray.  I had no idea we could get ready so fast, but it is possible, even for a girl.

We walked downstairs and Madi's mum, my mum and Josh's mum all squealed in delight as they saw us. Recently Laura told me that I am the best thing to happen to their family since Lacy was born. I was very flattered by that.

Madi and I laughed to see three divorced mothers, all in the same teen style clothing jumping in delight. Liam stood up as Madi walked over to him, "Wow, you look wonderful in a tux" Madi laughed as she brushed Liam's shoulders, all the men wore plain black tux's, so jealous that they have minimal effort in getting ready!

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