Chapter 21

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"There you are Elvira!" Marne said to me but then saw I was with Paton "Sorry Paton, have you met Ellie? Oh, Ellie. You need to come with me; I want to introduce you to someone"

'Yay, mum to the rescue' "Sure, ok. Bye Paton"

"Uh-huh" He said still trying to figure out what to make of me until I walked out of the room

"You are a life saver mum, can you say, awkward or what?" I whispered to her as I walked out of the room


We sat in a large office in front of an empty chair. The door flung open and an old man walked in and sat down ahead of us. "Welcome back Marne, and I believe this is Elvira. Nice to meet you, my name is Christian Drielle."

"Nice to meet you to" I smiled

"You are right Marne, she is beautiful. Also she is an exact identical of Arianna." He began "But so were many others"


30 minutes of talking later


"It should take a week for the results, your rooms are ready for you and your bags have been placed by your wardrobes." Mr. Drielle said

The door swung open "Hey Pop I gotta ask-." Charlie said walking in "Oh sorry, I didn't realise you had company."

I turned and faced him and smiled happy to see a familiar face "Hey Ellie, I didn't know you were coming-." He then cut off and closed his eyes and tried to walk back out the door without Mr. Drielle realising what he said

"Pardon Charles? You know Elvira?" He asked

"We should let you two talk" Marne said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me outside


"You will be her escort as punishment for lying to me" Christian scolded Charlie "But, I did know there was no friend from childhood living there"

"You did?"

"I may be old. But I am not stupid" He laughed "Elvira" he called me back in

"Yes?" I asked stepping through the door

"If you need anything, ask Charles here"

Charlie stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me out the door before I could say anything else. He shut the door then faced me "We are going for a walk" he smiled dragging me around the house till we reached a door that lead outside

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