Chapter 8

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"Ellie? Ellie?" Josh whispered as he walked towards the stairs, he saw the note in my hands and read it, Josh looked at me and realised that I was asleep, he put the note into his pocket and opened the door. Walking back over to me, putting one arm under my knees and the other on my back, he lifted me off of the ground and wrapped my arms around his neck. Carrying me inside he laid me down onto the lounge, he took off my heels and put them onto the ground.

Now I know how mum feels when I take her heels off, I shifted at the feeling and woke up, "Hmm?" I groaned and sat up

"Hey sleepy head" Josh said kneeling beside me and threw me a shirt from the clean pile of clothes sitting in a basket on the table before he got into his usual, ripped, light grey sweat pants, he smiled brightly with a hint of shyness and care, a look that I have missed "Might want to get changed, wouldn't want you ruining the dress, it's beautiful"

"Thanks" I said in a yawn, I began to unzip my dress which made Josh turn around to not perve. Slipping out of the dress and into an extra-large black guns 'n' roses t-shirt I sigh in comfort, flopping onto the lounge and tried to get comfortable, but it wasn't working "Do you have anything warm?"

"Well you stole all the blankets and we don't own a heater... Sooo there is either me or a bath" he laughed quietly as he rested his hands on the edge of the lounge.

"You will do" I said, I am too tired to even think and closed my eyes "Come here".

Josh walked over to the lounge and laid behind me, he pulled all the blankets over us and rested his chin on my head "I'm sorry, you know that right?" he said kissing the back of my head

"I know" I said as I slowly drifted off, it was something about him, a rare but familiar feeling that came from my best friend and him. He makes me feel safe and ever since I have met him I couldn't fall asleep without something being next to me. But then my sleep was rocked with questions and there was that itchy feeling, constantly at the back of my mind which sent my dreams into a spiral of memories, slightly distorted in the way that everything was dark and gloomy, almost nightmarish.

The scenes played over and over, followed by conclusions. I caught him with his ex, but I have to remember that it wasn't his fault, but then there was Jessica, but again, Lacy said that it wasn't his fault either. The dreams were followed by the flowing list of questions; I don't know what I should do? How am I supposed to know if I can trust him anymore? Should I trust him?

I have to call Madi!


"Are you kidding me right now? Viral? Literally?" I squealed to Madi as we sat on my bed, it had been three days since the dance and I still never had any answers.

"It had the whole scene, from when Josh broke up with her up to the part when you and Cameron left to dance, everyone saw it... it has thousands of likes and shares. It's all over Facebook and YouTube!" Madi laughed

"I have to see it" I laughed

"You will, but first... you had a MAJOR question to ask me, what is it?" she said laughing at my shocked reaction. I told her what happened and it left her jaw hanging, I told her how I fell asleep on the porch and how he carried me in and even how we fell asleep, Madi continued to sit there and ask me questions "are you back together yet? What's happening with you two? Have you forgiven him?"

"That's why I have you!" I told her "If you haven't noticed I needed to ask you the questions, not the other way around... And since when were we ever going out? I haven't even kissed him yet... Should I forgive him? What should I do? Please help me"

"Forgive him" She said plainly

"What? Why?"

"Have you realised, you continue to jump to conclusions, you don't see that he is trying to see if you like him, because you are too blind to see that he adores you. He is trying so hard and you are so unworthy of having him" by the end she was laughing

"Oh-I am blind... I never- " I told her "It's my fault not his, why should he suffer for my mistakes?"

"Good! Now we get to talk about Liam" Madi gleamed "I know I have only known him for four days, but things have been moving quickly with us."

"You're not trying to tell me you slept with him already are you?" I asked cautiously

"No! But he asked me out..." Madi began

"And... you said?" I forced out, eager to find out

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" she squealed.

My jaw dropped as if it was made of iron, "Oh my god! Madi that is amazing!" I squealed for her while smiling happily "how did he ask you?"

"He asked me on a date the night after the dance, he met me at mine with a bunch of orange tiger lilies because they are my favourite and then he drove me to that fancy French restaurant and asked me over dinner, which might I add he paid for" she continued to tell me about how wonderful her night was and I knew I should have been focusing but my mind couldn't help but wonder off into the million thoughts that were rushing through my mind before I snapped back into reality when Madi flew her hands into the air and fell backwards "How romantic is that!"

"That's so sweet" I said as if I was listening the hole time while putting on an 'aww that's so romantic, I'm so jealous' face, but then my face fell sadly as I began to think again

"You're thinking about 'him' again aren't you?" she said while fixing her hair and sitting up, leaving a large crease in my teal bed sheets, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am 100% super doper, fantabiastically fine!" lie she raised her eyebrows at me and just like that, I could tell she knew "I'm not sure what to do. What am I supposed to do?" I asked her as my head fell into my hands.

Madi moved over so she was sitting next to me, she wrapped one of her arms delicately around me and wrested her head on mine as she stroked my hair softly with her other hand to comfort me before she began to speak "If he asks you to forgive him, hear him out and forgive him if it feels right, act like yourself and go with your gut feeling, trust me, it will work out if fate wants it to"

"This is why I love you so much; you are the best sister I could ask for!" I said as I tackle hugged her into the sheets and smiled knowing that she was right.

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