Chapter 11

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It has been two days since Josh stayed at mine; he couldn't sleep so in the middle of the night he came into my room and curled into bed with me. I felt him slide in between the teal sheets and it made me feel safe, I felt like I could actually fall asleep and not worry about what Josh was feeling, I knew he was there beside me and he wasn't going to leave.

But the court ruled otherwise, Laura and Anthony fought in caught for custody for two days, arguing and pleading before the judge made her decision. Josh and Lacy would move in with Anthony for the rest of the year, but Laura never stopped pleading.

"Due to the fact that one of the children is half way through a year at school and, if moved, would have to re-learn half of a year's worth of work, you will be given these upcoming holidays for a trial period and I will have the children put into a counsellor as well as Joshua's partner to see the impact of his move" The judge said while looking at both Anthony and Laura.


And just like that, Josh and Lacy would be moving. It was Thursday and there was nearly no one at school. Our whole group was there to see Josh off and spend as long with their friend in case it would be the last time, for a long time, that they would see him. Josh agreed with Laura that while Lacy was staying the night at Julia's (Her in school BFF) house, that he could have a farewell party.

At lunch we all sat down at our usual spot even tho there were now plenty of others, we took photos and at party food such as chips, cake, lollies etc. we listened to music and had a good time. As the bell rung we decided to skip class and continue lunch as if there was no bell. Miss Darnell, a twenty two year old English teacher with long blonde hair, a models figure and tanned skin; came out to see why her only students weren't coming to class.

Finding out the reason she clicked a few buttons on her phone before she joined us for around five minutes. A tall man with light brown hair, a surfer's body and tanned skin came up and introduced himself as her fiancé and asked if it were ok to take her to the movies. After nods from everyone, we were on our own and continued to party.

"Guys, I have a confession" Madi said as she stood on her chair to make an announcement

Cameron put on a sarcastic voice and called out "you're too young to be pregnant" this made everyone laugh, including Liam.

"I'm not pregnant, but..." She took a deep breath and exhaled before announcing "I'm moving to England in two days"

Everyone's jaws dropped and hung like 'fly catchers', many people dropped the things they were holding and others, their faces dropped in sadness and shock. Everyone yelled objections over the top of each other and many others yelled questions, but mine was loudest "You can't be serious! HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN? How long are you going for?"

"Guys QUIET" Bjorn yelled; he has been in the group for a very long time now. He is a New Zealand guy with brown, short hair and is a 6 foot muscular boat rower who is quiet and athletic. Everyone quickly hushed and all eyes were on Madi.

"I have known for a month, I was going to tell you all... but I didn't know how. I am definitely moving on Sunday and I'll be gone for the rest of the year, back in time for the prom"

You had two seconds of silence after Madi finished talking before everyone became rowdy and began yelling objections over each other's voice again. Madi got down from the seat and sat down, taking the full blown verbal pestering.


Banners were strung up, balloons were pinned around the house, streamers had been placed around everything, and food was set out, drinks and booze set out also. Everything was ready; well that's what Josh told me... I wasn't allowed to go over because it was a secret and he wanted to show me how well he could do. Me on the other hand, I had straightened and teased my hair, put on my makeup which included two layers of fake eyelashes and a layer of foundation... I painted my nails black and put on my clothes and heels before double and triple checking everything. It was 7:30pm and Josh said "party starts at 6", God I was late! I walked over to my window and could see people still walking into his house with grog and decks.

7:55pm, 'sh*t he is going to kill me! ' I thought to myself as I walked across the white pebbles to his place, 'I hope I look ok '. I walked in and immediately I was greeted by half the room who all at once yelled my name, I walked around the house before making my way upstairs because I still couldn't find Josh. A light buzz of my phone made me stop on the platform in the stair case, "Hello?" I asked

"Herro, where y- " Josh asked before he hung up, he stood at the top of the stairs and skipped down, lightly he pushed me up against the wall be my arms as he teased my lips with his "I was wondering if you were going to show or not... Sh*t you look very hot"

I could tell Josh had already been drinking most of the night as the light crisp of vodka UDL's sained his breath "Are you drunk?" I asked him as I stepped into his body, he gave me a smirk and shook his head before kissing me again, he tasted like alcohol but I didn't mind, it tasted good. Cheers came from people in the room at the bottom of the stairs as we began making out on the platform.

"You. Look. Amazing" Josh said each word after he kissed my cheek, then jaw before moving to my neck "You look like you could use a drink"

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