Chapter 31

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"Have you seen Ari?" I ask as I'm walking through the lounge room of Josh's house, tapping everyone on the shoulder to be greeted by the same response.

"Not since earlier on this evening" and "Sorry no" plus the occasional "Who?"

It looks as if she had vanished, but, I had a few places left to look.

"Hey" Jacob said jumping out from behind someone and smiling at me "It's Arianna right?"

"Jacob?" I say before he cuts me off

"Whoa you have a great memory, unless that was a guess. Oh anyway, I heard you were looking for someone... Can I help?"

With a smile I laugh "Jacob, it's me... As in Ellie... But I'm looking for Arianna, know where she is?"

"Wait, Ellie?" Jacob asked as he squinted completely confused "If you're here... Then..."

Looking behind him, Jacob stared at Josh and Arianna laying on the lounge, not just any lounge, the lounge. The one Josh and I spent nights sleeping beside each other, watching countless movies, laughing and kissing, telling stories and crying on. This was the lounge which they were kissing on, Josh laying on top of Aria, pushing his hand up her dress on her outer thigh.

"El" Jacob said dragging my attention off of them "El, I'm so sor-"

"Don't say you're sorry" I said raising my hand over his mouth "I'm about to hear a ton of it, I don't want any of it from you"

A muffled laugh sounded from under my hand before he licked my palm making me pull it away from his mouth. Jacob smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Musketeers fight together, want me to come with you?"

"I got this one. OH! I almost forgot" I said pulling back my tears of both anger and sadness "I found my birth family"

"Who is it?"


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"Well it's good to know that you have had your first kiss" I said standing over Josh and Arianna as they kissed. The sound of my voice made Aria's eyes shoot open "So, wouldn't Pop be pleased about this?"

Pushing Josh off of her she sat up and fixed her dress and lips "Oh. Um. Hi... This is-"

"Josh" I said for her "I know"

Both Aria's and Josh's faces were creased as they both were shocked and confused, for two almost completely different reasons.

"Whoa. What the heck?" Josh said as he ran his fingers through his hair "This wasn't her first kiss, I know because I have given her thousands before"

"What?" Both Aria and I said in unison at the same tone

"Oh I get it" I said with a fake laugh "Well I think it be best if I introduce you two". At this point Aria began biting her lip in anticipation as to what was going to happen next "Joshua Shannon, meet Arianna Drielle, the one and only."

"Hello" Arianna smiled awkwardly and let out a fast but short laugh

"No this is Ellie, my girlfriend" Josh said

"No I am Elvira Emerson" I said "This is my sister. Twin sister. This would make me Avalon Drielle"

Aria's head tilted slightly to the side "What?"

"Oh right, that's actually what I came to tell you. Here" I said tossing the envelope with the results to her before looking at Josh who was still processing this information.

"Ellie? I'm so sorry I didn't know there were two of... 'You' and she looked like you and I had barely seen you all night so I thought she was you. Please forgive me I'm so sorry"

"Josh stop" I said plain and simple. "It's over, and no amount of pleading will change my mind"

"Are you kidding me? It was mistaken identity, please don't do this, El. Come on please, I'm so sorry, I can't lose you please don't do this" He pleaded again

Arianna had just finished reading the paper and looked up at me "It's true?" she whispered before yelling and jumping up and hugging my tightly "It's true, it's you, it's you! Ava, my sister, my other half, oh my god" She pulled away from me "Oh my god. You are my sister and I just" Aria's hand slapped her 'o' shaped mouth and looking back and forth between Josh and I "Oh my god! I am so sorry. Don't break up with him because if this, please, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sor-"

But before she could finish, I cut her off. "It's already happened, Josh and I are over. Not just because of this... But also because I'm going to be living with you guys now... I'm moving back to your our house. Which means, long distance, and that stuff, as much as people say it works, it doesn't"

I looked to Josh one more time before I gave him a kiss on the cheek "Goodbye" I whispered to him. I took Arianna by the hand and we walked back to my house, where the party was almost completely dead as everyone was either at Josh's, gone home, or passed out. "Nothing can ruin my mood right now" I smiled to her "But I may hate you tomorrow"

"You okay?" Jacob asked me

"Never better... But tomorrow, my response will be different... So I'll be seeing you tomorrow" I laughed before Ari and I continued to walk away.

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