Chapter 40

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Five hours later I awoke, not to blinds opening and maids attending to my every need, but a pillow – hitting my face and clothes thrown at my face. "Oi lazy ass, get up" Jacob laughed as he tugged at the blanket I tucked over my head "Do you want to eat or would you rather become anorexic?"

"It's like 6am!" I moan

Letting go of the blanket he groaned "Mate, its frigging 9:30"

My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light as I pulled the blanket from my face "What do you mean 9:30?"

"I mean, I am hungry and you are annoying now... get UP"

"If you're hungry then eat"

"Unlike you, Your Highness... This Prince doesn't have maids making me breakfast, lunch, dinner – and tea"

"Good sir, are you implying I have no knowledge of what civil life is like for... Commoners, who have to make their own food, draw their own baths, dress themselves and clean their rooms? I must protest. Do remember, I'm a Cali girl at heart"

"Oh shut up and get your ass downstairs" Jacob laughed as he pulled on a jumper over his head and left the bedroom

~ ~ ~ ~

It was only a week before reality caught up to us.

A week of loud music, drinking, marshmallows, fires, bad singing, eating Australian "classic" food I've never even heard of – Tim Tams, Vegemite, Carmelo Koala's, eating fruit and eating like there was no tomorrow... Not having to get out of bed till 10, no schedules, no media, no hairdressers and nail salons, no makeup artists or aristocrat dinners...

It was just Jacob and I – and pants off Friday (for me it was pants off, for Jake – shirts off) every day.

When reality caught up to us, I was standing on the coffee table, wearing socks and an oversized woolly jumper, with no makeup on and my hair out and not brushed. I was dancing horribly to Nirvana while Jacob was lying under the dining room table spraying whipped cream into his mouth from the can with one hand and spooning Nutella into his mouth with the other. Wearing only trakkies and socks, his hair spiky and everywhere - we were a sight for sore eyes.

A knock in the door sent me bounding from the table, swooping the Nutella spoon from Jake on the way down I ran to the door shoving the spoon in my mouth with Jacob protesting, chasing behind me. Only catching up when I opened the door.

We went into shock.

There he was.

My grandfather. My brothers and my sisters, along with a bunch of people I swear I have seen before – but looking at Jacobs's reaction led me to believe that it was his family.

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