Chapter 35

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As the applause dulled my grandfather stepped forward again and began to talk...

"She reminds me of when her mother first joined the family also. But, soon she will bloom into the confident girl I know she is, both of them will. I wish now to address the subject we are also gathered for. If possible, I'd like to break tradition somewhat. If you wouldn't mind clearing he dance floor and Sir Ronald and Lady Esmeralda, I hand the rest over to you" Smiling he exited the stage and people began to move and form a circle.

Little did I know that the Peacock feathered lady would run up to us in excitement, grab our hands and escort us through all the over-dressed people into the middle of the circle with over one hundred eyes staring us down in anticipation.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go" Arianna whispered to me once the bird-lady ran off to join the crowd "We aren't supposed to be doing this!"

"What is 'this'?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and pulled her in closer to we didn't speak so loudly that all the listening-in ears could hear

"Well, we are women now... And it's our birthday. Our 18th! We aren't supposed to meet our husbands like this!"

"Whoa! WHAT! HUSBAND? No-one ever said I had to get married NOW! No I am NOT doing this! Sorry but that's not something that you can just place on my shoulders like this!" I yell and let go of her hand, pushing aggressively past all the grabbing hands and tight grips till I made it out of the room to the garden.

I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going but I had to get out of there! It felt like a lifetime of walking before I realised where I was, there was an old bird cage in the garden, tall enough to walk inside and large enough to fit over ten people, but, it is now forgotten and covered in vines, it was part of the garden now.

Gripping onto the bars of the bird cage door I tried to pry it open, but the old white gate wouldn't budge, this tiny little thing, the sheer fact I couldn't open it set my emotions sky rocketing. I began to cry, but for what reason, the fact that my life was being stolen from me? No, that couldn't be it. Or the fact that I am being married off to a total stranger against my will? It couldn't possibly be the reason.

The dark cloak of the night covered the sky and all around me, my tears were hidden from the world- or so I thought.

"You right there love?" A voice asked as a tall figure emerged from the darkness from the bird bath that goes with the cage; the voice wasn't British - Thank GOD! I don't think I could have such a large hate of the accent since the country change "Well, clearly you aren't but it's just a kind gesture in order for you to feel better... Did it work?"

"No" I moaned while letting go of the bars and facing the man "But nice try... A bit of heartfelt caring, even in a sarcastic or bitchy tone won't help right now"

"First big event like this?" He asked as he cleared a spot on a marble bench for the both of us

"That obvious?"

"Well I haven't been watching you, so no it isn't but it is a conversation starter" The guy laughed quickly and awkwardly "Are you out here with family?"

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