Chapter 45

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"Do I have to be Maire?" Aria whispered "Þórunn has more history background, and is more interesting"

"Suck it up!" I laugh "You're Maire and I'm Þórunn, plus Maire suits you now that you are Blonde"

"Why was it that I had to go blonde also, I feel like a Barbie doll... And you know how much I despise stereotypes, categorizing, objectifying and discrimination against women which is portrayed through the tragedy which is Barbie."

"Jesus, then don't embrace Barbie... simple. Push aside anything people associate you with against Barbie... Now go through it again, for the past two weeks people have been sus' 'cause our story isn't straight. Now do it again."

"My name is Maire York, I was born on the 13th of March 1997, this is my twin sister Þórunn, we are orphans, left with our only family left Donald" I looked at 'Maire' as she spoke and raised an eyebrow at her mistake "Fine! Our cousin Donny. I studied internationally in England last year, hence the accent and Þórunn – Thorn, studied internationally in Australia. Is that enough? Oh! And we lived in California before coming here. I will be vague okay. 'Þórunn' now can we please get to class?"

"Okay! Okay!" I reply as we begin to walk to History 1.

"Hey! Oi, are one of you Thorn?" A girl called from behind us, she was a short Asian girl, long black hair and wearing a skirt which obviously is made to catch the attention of every guy.

"It's Þórunn" I turn around to be dismissed with a wave of her hand "What can I do for you?"

"Here" She handed me a note "It's from Cliff, for some reason he has an interest in the two of you... You know if it wasn't for the hair... I would swear the two of you where twins."

"You obviously don't embrace your stereotype" Maire quickly laughed sadistically and I made some weird snorting noise trying not to belt out laughing

"What's that supposed to mean?" The girl scoffed

"People from an Asian decent such as yourself are stereotyped to be, how to put this simply" Maire tapped her chin in anticipation for what to say

"Smart? Intelligent? Bright? Intellectual?" I finished the sentence for Maire

"Perfect choices. Thank you Þórunn" she smiled

"You're welcome Maire" I nodded

"You are bitches" The girl scoffed

"We are also twins, was it a giveaway that, oh I dunno, we look exactly the same" I said as Maire joined in finishing off my sentence with me.

Leaving it at that we all turned and went back to walking t class. Opening the note it read;

Ladies, Gentlemen and Children of all ages – plus hopefully the two beautiful sisters to read this note. You are formally invited to Cliff's Yallapalooza... I don't have your numbers, so have mine to get the details for this extravagant... thing.      553-873-9012                      - Cliff xx

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