Chapter 9

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"Hey" Josh smiled to me as he took the empty seat next to me, as he scanned me quickly; he began blush a light pink before he lightly smiled and facing away "You look beautiful"

"Um, thanks" I blushed while smiling

Cameron sat our lunch table and pretended to gag at what Josh said, which made Liam and Madi laugh "Gag-worthy but very smooth. Well done." Cameron gave a light clap and winked at me which meant I had his tick of approval for 'Mr. Yummy' (That is Cameron's nickname for Josh, and I have to say it suits him). Cameron smiled as he read a txt on his phone. "Do you guys mind if Kyle sits with us today?"

'No', 'go for it' and 'coarse not' was all said at the same time as we all agreed that Kyle could come over to sit with us. Kyle is Cameron's new crush, they met the night of the dance when Kyle came over to him and asked him if he wanted to dance. They exchanged numbers and have now been texting for twenty days. One of the advantages of having the dance on Friday night was we could all stay out late and meet everyone in our year and the year above.

Kyle is a junior like us and has oval, almond eyes and Blonde hair that was medium short with a flick fringe. He is very sweet and caring; everyone already loves him and approves of Cameron's choice. He walked over and smiled to everyone as he took a seat at the table "Thanks for letting me sit with you guys, my group is such a bore" He laughed lightly, but it had a nervous tone to it.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled "We are happy to have you here"

"Really? Wow, thank you" He smiled back "I'm so glad you guys aren't homophobic.. Unless some of you are and I just made you hate me"

"I'm not a homophobe, I have known Cameron since I was like 2 so I love every bit of him... including the fact he is gay" I smiled

"And we have no problem with it" Madi said for herself and Liam "Besides, I have always wanted a gay friend. And two is making my dream even better!"

"Welcome to the group mate" Josh said with a smile as he put his hand out for Kyle to shake "I'm Josh"

"Kyle" He introduced himself as he shook Josh's hand

"I'm Liam and this is Madi" Liam smiled as both Madi and him smiled and welcomed Kyle into the group

"And I'm Ellie, or 'Swiggy' as Cameron calls me, but oh well, his name to me is always going to be 'Picklehead'... no matter how old and 'mature' we get. If that ever even happens" I smiled and laughed lightly giving Cam a wink.


Three weeks after Kyle started to sit with us he was definitely 'one of us', a week later he asked Cameron out and they are now an official 'item'. I had I fight with Josh the other night but it made us closer, we had our first kiss. It was under the old willow out the front of his house, it shaded us from the rain and that's when sparks flew. The next weekend Josh asked me on a date and we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant and I had a really nice time, we then went on another date to the movies and I gave Josh a kiss on the cheek for a goodnight, and most recently we went out to dinner on another date and Josh officially asked me out, we have been going out now for two weeks. I followed Madi's advice and I followed my gut, I think it was the right thing to do. But I guess only time can tell.

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