Chapter 18

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"Lets. Go. Eagles." I cheered at practice before being lifted into a pyramid.

"Looking good up there" Leo called up to me from the ground level. Leo was the captain of the football team, he was tall, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes, his family is mega rich and all girls swoon over him.

"One. Two. Three. Four." I counted out to the team ignoring Leo "Five. Six. Seven. Ei-woa". On eight I was supposed to be lifted to the tip of the pyramid but instead I was pushed forward by a girl who was six beats ahead of all of us. I began to fall from four high, a height that would do some mega damage to any bone.

"Whoa, it's alright, I got ya" Leo smiled seductively as he moved in and caught me while my spotters were catching the rest of the pyramid, but catching girls and tackling footy players are two different things. He did break my fall but dropped me again so I was lying on the ground.

"Holy Crap!" I said as Leo fell with me and ended up lying on top of me "Oh, Leo, um, thank you, so much!"

"Anything for a pretty girl like you" He winked

"Leo, for the millionth time. I am in a relationship, also you broke up with my captain not too long ago and she is a friend of mine" I grumbled

"Yea, but Lea was boring and you seem like fun, plus you are so much hotter"

"Now Leo, please. Get off me and stop flirting with me, we will never go out or do anything, so stop trying!" I said trying to push him off of me

"Come on mate hop off" Jacob said tapping Leo on the shoulder

"Righto mate, I was just catching her" Leo said standing up "Why do you care anyway?"

"He is my cousin" lie "Well, more like brother" true "But still my cousin" I told him

"Are you finished? We should get back to practice" One of the girls on the team said "Just because Lea is sick doesn't mean we can slack off"

"You better watch out cause you will get bitch slapped one day, and I won't do a thing to stop them" clicked Jacob to the girl before hissing at her "Bitch"


"What the hell is his problem?" Bjorn growled "Does he not get the clue? He can't have every girl!"

"So he wouldn't get off of her? He has been flirting with her all week, I have even seen him make some moves on her" Jayson added

"He has been boasting to some of his mates about getting 'jiggy' with her at her party" Jacob told them

"Did he actually use the term 'jiggy'?" Jayson asked

"No, he said something about a root" Bjorn told them

Jacob laughed "Sounds like Australia; it's a term we use"

"Thanks Helena" I laughed as I walked down the hallway wrapped in a towel "What's a term you use?" I asked as I stood beside my clothes

All three boys began to stutter like they have been caught out doing something they weren't supposed to "It was uh-." Jacob scratched his head

"Oh god, guys it's fine" I laughed as I began to get dressed "I hope you guys don't mind but we are going to play pool then we are coming back here for a horror movie marathon, cause we have English tomorrow and we all start in the afternoon so we can stay up late... Everyone up for it?"

"Sure thing" Jayson smiled

"Yea count me in" Bjorn managed to cough out

"I shall join in your company" Jacob said standing up in a knight position but then blushed and quickly sat down as he saw me putting my jeans on over my low cut, high rise undies "Those are very small undies"

"Oh crap, sorry Sugar" I said as I quickly pulled up my pants, this made all the boys laugh

"Wh-hey-no you can't wear that!" Jayson told me as I put my top on

"What why?" I asked

"Because, you are showing too much skin" Bjorn said

I was wearing a black, loose, singlet, mid drift that sat just above my belly button, and some highly torn, faded, light blue, denim, skinny jeans with a light flare at the bottom with black heels.


"Shhh, Madi and I got them done before she left. Mum doesn't know yet! No one does!" I told them

"Just put on a cardigan, and I'll put on a shirt" Jayson made a deal, I mean him walking around with just pants and shoes on may be attractive but weird and we wouldn't be allowed anywhere

"Deal" I smiled


15 minutes later


I had applied my make-up and done my hair but, for the first time, I was waiting on the boys. Jacob came out in a white muscle shirt with pattern on it and jeans, then Bjorn came out wearing a maroon muscle shirt and jeans and last but not least, Jayson walked out wearing a black muscle shirt with 'Jack Daniels' written across it to match mine with, yes, jeans.

"No-one would guess you play footy" I told them sarcastically "Now, LET'S GO"

"Forward men or I shall throw bubbles at your eyes" Jacob said as he walked over and gave me a piggy back before running out of the house

"You know some times I think he is still five" Jayson laughed

"Yea, but have you ever had a bubble pop in your eye? OUCH!" Bjorn said as he raised his hand to his eye feeling the pain

"Sh*t, then we better run!" Jayson said running behind us.

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