Chapter 30

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Sipping on a cup of punch we sat on the stairs inside, the music blaring outside, it was a little quieter but manageable. "You look really nice" I say to her

Taking a quick glance down at herself, Arianna smiled "Thanks, you look really beautiful as well"

"Hm, thanks" I laugh "I have been eyeing down this design of Madi's for years. I can't believe that I am finally getting to wear it"

"COMING DOWN" A guy yelled from the top of the stairs.

But before we could stand up or even move out of the way. A guy came charging down the stairs on a skate board and holding a large cup of... something. Hitting the fourth of ten stairs, he jolted forward sending his cup all over us. The cool liquid landing in our laps and splashing across our chests, we both squealed and immediately stood up.

"You asshole! You ruined my dress!" I yell at him before an interjection was made by Arianna

"You simpering simpleton! Are you that dim witted to perform such an idiotic behaviour and ruin the birthday girls dress? She is right you are an asshole" She yelled.

Grabbing her hand we walk up to my room where two people were making out on my bed "Out. Now. Come on, get out" I say as I watch them get up and leave my room closing the door behind them "Here I have some spare clothes you can get changed into"

Opening my closet I searched for some party dresses for us both, but the only ones left were two, blue, identical dresses which were tight, short and glittery, the joys of Madi leaving her dresses behind. "Those have to do" She tells me when I hold them up

Once we were changed I looked at her as if she was my mirror "Holy crap"

"Wow! It's like looking into a mirror" She admits "Except for our shoes"

"And the way we have styled our hair"

"And our make-up"

"We look identical" We both say before laughing and linking arms

"Let's go trip some people out" I suggest

"No, why would we want to make them fall over? You saw what happened last time... I would greatly appreciate not being smothered in more alcoholic beverages"

"It's not that, it means to like, make people freak out, or confuse. It's harmless and funny. Don't worry"

"Ok. Well in that case let's go trip some people out" She said as we began to walk down stairs again

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"I  am so drunk right now" Jerome laughed as he stood at our feet "Hello, Ellie and Ellie" A laugh left his left his lips before he squinted his eyes and moved his head back "Whaaaaaat? Why are there two different hair styles?"

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