Chapter 43

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"Stop looking at me" I hiss, but Madi does not stop staring, my new hair... Red hair threw her off guard and made her almost not recognise me... But that was the whole point "Madi I'm serious you're starting to creep me out"

She continues to pepper me with looks of horror, delight and being confused "Burgundy. Please, God, tell me I have not inspired something burgundy. Red. Red. *Red*, Ellie Girl. *Red*! Is the colour of sex! Burgundy is the colour of hot water bottles! Red is the colour of sex and fear and danger and signs that say, Do. Not. Enter. All my favourite things in life.... And you've put them on your head, I'm not sure whether I find you irresistible or turn away now and never look back."

"Stop quoting Kinky Boots" I growl. We had been on a train for too long and without sleep, minimal food and in desperate need of a relaxing bath we began to get on each other's nerves

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to go to Vegas first and see Don, then we are going to fly to... Anywhere in the world, preferably Greece or somewhere no one will ask questions and reporters won't care that I've left"

"I'll need to call Liam then, I know he's gone missing too but I love him and I trust him... We can't be too long tho, do remember there's a few big things happening soon for us, I'll give you a clue. Starts with 'w' end in 'edding'. No? Okay it's-"

I cut her off with a quick wave of the hand, I didn't want to talk about the guys, I mean yeah I'm proud that she found her partner at 19/18 but, me? Tyler, Josh, Jacob. I mean, 'Darcy'. None of them I ever wanted to get married to. Tyler's a cheating bastard so there was never a chance there. Josh – the main thing with Josh was that the timing wasn't right and I guess I just couldn't handle it, he was my escape rather than to face reality and even then reality caught up with the fairy tale of my biological family, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles I am yet to meet, the Royal life was a fantasy every girl dreamed of and just because of one night in the bar meeting Charlie, that fantasy became my reality. Then Jacob, my best friend, a man who says he has loved me since when we were little, a Prince, a stronghold, but not mine... A stronghold to keep my family happy, yet another fantasy... being married to your best friend with no strings attached. Yet I was a puppet without my knowledge. I don't want to get married, I want to go to college.

I didn't even realise I was crying till Madi was swooping her arms around me "Hey now, come on, it's not that bad...."

"I'm calling the wedding off" I mumble

"Off? Like completely? What about your family, what'll they say?"

"I don't care, I'm not being forced to live like that, and I want to go to college!"

"You know... Once we are in Vegas I can make some calls and I'm sure we could make that happen, I applied anyway and I'm sure if you throw your name in there we could get admission despite it being mid semester, we can go there instead of Greece, live on campus, or an apartment nearby... I'd bring Liam and you can. You can do whatever the bloody hell you want" Madi stroked my arm "How does that sound?"

Like a dream... And the perfect plan "Lets do it" I say

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