Chapter 44

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"What do you mean 'off'?" Arianna blares through the phone "Off as in postponed? Or off as in you aren't coming back off?"

"Off as in I'm going to college and I'm not coming back till I finish and I'm not getting married" I reply

"You can't do that! What will Pop say? Have you told him yet? Have you told anyone?"

"I haven't. You and Madi are the first ones to know. Look, okay yes I understand that you are my sister and we have responsibilities to one another but before I was your sister publically, I was a different person. I was my own person and I had dreams and aspirations... Marriage at 18 was not one of them!"

"You think I want to get married? I do not know him, or know what he is like, he could be abusive, or snore, have webbed toes! You do not understand that I too want to have a 'normal' life and go to college and bask in what I've experienced of the American culture, but we have duties and responsibilities Ava!"

"What are our responsibilities? Look pretty. We do not inherit any part of England, I would have to kill all of my siblings and their children, probably an Uncle or two while I'm at it before I had any right to the throne, I'm not important! And I hate to break it to you. But neither are you!"

"How dare you"

"You know it's true Aria"

"Fine. If you get to be rebellious so do I. Where are you?"

"I won't tell you..."

"I'm going to fly to America, not be a Drielle – like you did – and go to college. I want a typical teenage life too you know!"

"You. In America? At school with me? You're going to need a bit of a disguise if you're going to fit in here"

"What did you do? As a disguise I mean"

"You'll see once you get here... We may have to do the same for you"

"Tell me where to fly to and I'll be there first thing in the morning. I will apply for college despite being half way through the semester. You do not get to be the only rebellious one this time."

"Fly into Bradly international airport. If you can... Leave in the next few hours. I'll call back in an hour. Make sure you know what time you land. I'll meet you there"

"Bra-dly Inter-nat-ional air-port. I will arrange it now" I could tell she just wrote it down, whether it's to tell Pop or whether she is actually coming, it will be interesting.

"I'll see you soon"

"I'll see you soon"

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