Chapter 24

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Charlie stumbled through the bushes of the side garden with four of his friends. I was sitting on my bed reading a magazine and eating some cookies and cream, Ben and Jerries ice cream. I heard a loud clatter of laughing and bottles clinking as boys stumbled over each-other as they tried to get in un noticed. They stumbled towards the side door, but it was locked and they were drunk. Charlie scrambled back to underneath my balcony "He-hey Ellie... ELLIE" He called out

I put down my magazine and got out of bed, I picked up the black night gown that went with my black nighty and walked over to the glass doors that lead to the balcony which on looks the gardens. Opening the door I walked onto the balcony and looked down to Charlie "What are you doing?"

"Ellie, the door. A monster is holding it shut... We can't get our evil lair!" Charlie said quietly

I looked around and then looked down to him again and he was joined by one of his friends "Alright, I'll be down in a sec". I walked back inside and closed the balcony doors and pulled my hair up into a twist that George taught me, and then made my way out of the bedroom and around the corner, down the hallway and down the stairs. I unlocked the door and two guys stumbled in. I wrapped the night gown around my body and covered myself up.

Charlie came in and laughed along with his last friend as they tripped each other into the house. I stood over them and looked at him as he lay on the ground and looked up at me. "You should go to your room before someone see's you" I warned them, I walked back up the stairs and Charlie's friends began to cheer and carry on, I ran back down the stairs and tried hushing them but that wasn't working, I knew only one thing would make them be quiet, but I didn't want to have to say it. I looked up to where Arianna's room was and her light flicked on and saw her door open. "I will break your Transformers DVDs if you don't be quiet and march up to your room or to the entertainment section and busy yourselves there"

All the boys began to sulk and walked upstairs, "Interesting approach" Aria laughed as she walked down past the sulking boys who made no attempt to look up at her.

"Was I to harsh?" I asked as I began twisting my ring

She smiled a little "I say the same thing. Why are you still up anyways? Can't sleep?" she asked me

"No, what about you?" I asked as I began walking up the stairs to join her

Aria shrugged "Your test results come back tomorrow, I am preparing myself for any situation." She sighed "I'm used to the denial by now tho"

I hadn't even thought about the test results, let alone the outcome. "Oh, I see." I hummed "Big day tomorrow... Better get to bed"

"Yes, we ought to" She said as we both walked up stairs together. Side by side. We reached my door and looked at each other "Either the outcome" she began "It was nice meeting you. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" I said as I slipped into the bedroom and turned on my light to find one very drunk party happening on my bed. There were bottles everywhere and a poker set lay out in front of them all, who I might add are sitting on my bed. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked them curiously as I walked towards them with my arms crossed along my body

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