Chapter 27

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I rub my eyes and yawn and a new day arrives, the light streams through my window and hits my bed waking me up. Raising my arms above my head I take a deep breath in and stretch. But the peaceful morning doesn't last when two little hands open my door, followed by a blonde ponytail and two big eyes.

"Ellie!" Lacy squealed as she ran through my room, dodging the mess and jumping on my bed, which resulted on jumping on me

"Shhh!" I hushed her as I wrapped my arms around her in a warm embrace

"I thought I was dreaming it. But it's real. You are here" She whispered as she burrowed into my neck giving me the biggest hug her small arms could manage.

Someone next to me groaned and rolled over as Lacy kept talking, a large mess of shiny black hair poured from the blankets as the person lifted their head. "Lacy, get out. It's way too early to be up" Josh said sleepily as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

I smiled at him, blood rushes to my cheeks as I blush at him, even tho he looked like a mess, he still manages to amaze me at how stunning he looks at any hour of any day. But while I swooned over him, Lacy poked her tongue out and sat up with her arms crossed "No!" She said "I don't wanna leave. I wanna be with Ellie!"

"You can be" Josh said as his head fell against the pillow "Just not right now! Please go back to Madi and hang out with her"

"Go on" I winked to her "I'll spend time with you all day if I have to"

Lacy immediately hopped off the bed and ran to the door "Ok, but dad is coming at one to take Joshie and me home. So will you spend till then with me?" she asked waiting for me to say anything before running out.

I nodded to her as she smiled and closed the door behind her.

"You really haven't changes since the first night I was with you." He chuckled as his face re-appeared from the pillow and his bright green eyes "So, my sis gets a hug before me?"

"You got to sleep next to me" I said poking my tongue out at him before laughing.

His arms flew open and wrapped around me as he pulled me close to his chest. But before I could even squeal or laugh, or even protest. He began to talk again "Never do that again please"

"Do what?" I asked him as I looked up at him from where my ear pressed against his heart.

"Leave" He replied "I never want to leave you, or you leave me"

"I know"

A buzz came from both of our phones one after the other;


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