Chapter 42

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Pulling up to a familiar house I couldn't wait to get inside, but unlike everyone's first choice, I didn't go home. I went over to Jayson's.

"HOLY SH*T! ELLIE!" Jay called from over the lawn mower, his blonde hair was longer but still short. The sides and back of his head was no longer shaved short but a longer as if he was trying to grow it out. Still as muscular as ever he turned off the mower and ran over to me.

"Hey Jay!" I smile and begin to tear up as he picked me up and begin to spin me around "Ew! Ew!Ew! Ew! Ew! Jayson put me down you're all sweaty"

In classic shirtless Jayson style he just laughed and placed me back on my feet "You love it! Now you can smell this good! But don't clone me now that you have my DNA!"

As if on cue a high pitched scream came from inside from the ever so familiar throat of Helena Martinez – Jayson's ever so lovely mother "Elvira! Juro veo si que busca aún más Hermosa cada vez que te veo... Moriré" (Elvira! I swear if I see you looking even more beautiful every time I see you ... I will die)

"Helena! My Spanish has dwindled! It's a horror story!" I reply sadly as it's hard for me to understand her

"So has your weight! You are so skinny! What happened? ¡Dios mío"

"Oh goodness indeed  Mamá" Jayson added "Oh and qué diablos (What the hell) is with the accent?"

I press my hands against my mouth "I have an accent?!?" I ask in a muffled question

"It's Inglaterra y Australia" Helena laughed

"Mamá it's English and Australian not England and Australia" Jayson laughed running his hands through his hair – a habit he does when embarrassed or nervous... Maybe even to impress the girls by flexing when he does so.

Laughing I just smiled to see them all still themselves "Jay is Bjorn back home or is he out back doing the gutters?" That's the fun with the guys, when one had chores, they'd all pitch in to get the job done faster so they could go out

"Nah, he went home a few hours ago...  Finished the job already. But we are going to the bar later to play some pool. Which you're coming to by the way" He nodded

I had the sudden urge to leave once he said that, I don't think I could talk to only Jay about this, all I wanted to do was turn the clock back. I don't want to get married, I'm not going to. Fug it. Wedding is OFF... He wants to disappear after we finished the honeymoon stage of our fuged up relationship then fine, let him. I can too.

"You know Jay, I think I'm gonna head off... Sleepy Madi and all, she will" lie you can do this "get a neck cramp if she doesn't get into a proper bed and will be grumpy all the next day" technically true. I smiled at him working and began to walk back to the car

"Where are ya' going?" He asked

"I'm" Lie, again. "gonna head back to Mum's..." perfect, it's in the right direction "I'll see you later babe okay?" I didn't specify when later was, so that wasn't a lie. But what I'm going to do isn't something I want him knowing about.

"God haven't heard you call me babe in ages, you sure everything's okay?"

"Everything's fine, jet lag... You know, the usual. I'll call you soon." I got back in the car and slapped Madi on her leg making her jolt awake, starting the car I turned back to her "I'm being stupid and probably going to regret this later, but you're either all in or all out"

"That makes no sense" Madi yawned "But I need a shower first". I knew that meant she was with me but I needed her to say it, raising my eyebrows at her she rolled her eyes "Yes, I'm here for you through thick and thin, we made that vow ages ago. Now drive and let's go be drastic"

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had dropped Madi home to shower and pack all of the clothes and necessities she could muster us in 20 minutes for what I called 'a bush treck', I bought a 10cent envelope from the post office and went to the bank.

"How much would you like to withdraw today?" this woman was short, presumably hates her job with the lack of enthusiasm she held in her voice, I noted down her shoulder length red hair and pale skin, a chirpy disguise for her overall hatred of either life, or working "Ma'am?"

"Sorry" I say quickly averting my eyes, I didn't even realise I was staring, I slid a piece of paper forward with the amount I wished to withdraw "This much please"

"All in cash? I'll need to see some ID please Ma'am" I handed it to her and her eyes widened "Oh your highness I'm sorry I din't recognise you-"

"Shut up! I'm sorry... Please just shh" I whispered to her harshly "I'm on the DL, you know – the down low, I'd like to keep in that way if it's okay with you"

"Yes of course." She nodded and began counting the money out, placing it in the envelope she handed it to me along with my card and ID "Thank you for coming in today... Miss Blanch – your visits are always welcome"

Taking my things from her I winked to say thank you and walked away.


"Look at how healthy your hair is, how can I be of service today El?" Clara, the one hairdresser in the whole universe who I could ever trust with doing this.

"It's not that drastic Clara" I say "But, I want you to be gentle with my hair instead of playing fun."

"El, what are you talking about?"

"I need just a regular trim on my layers but, it needs a perm, like as if I had rollers in my hair... you know?"

"Oh golly! Is that all or am I in for a payday?" She giggled as I sat in her lounge room / home hairdresser

"Payday... Wash, blow dry, cut and dye... The whole package"

"Dye... What colour?" She asked shocked behind her large glasses, her grey eyes lit up in horror

"A natural... red"

"Well sh*t me out sideways, I love your spontaneousness El"

"Let's do this"

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