Lawson Family (Jacob / Darcy)

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Alice Lawson - 54 and Steven Lawson - 59


Zachery Lawson - 31

Timothy Lawson - 29

Robert Lawson - 28

Oakley Lawson - 24

Harlton Lawson - 22

Gabrielle Lawson - 20

Byron Lawson - 19

Percy Lawson - 18 Twin

Darcy (Jacob) Lawson - 18 Twin


Bindi Lawson - 9

Emu Lawson - 6

The Lawson Family have had a rough time over the course of their lives, with Juliet Lawson - Steven's First wife - birthing the first three Boys before passing away of a heart attack, a few years later he was remarried - arranged - to Krysta who birthed Oakley down to Percy and Darcy before also passing away on a Boating accident, heartbroken it took Steven years to get over the loss of yet another wife that he decided he wouldn't marry ever again. Until 6 years later when Steven took the family to the beach for a reunion - he met Alice... The most beautiful woman alive - in his opinion - they dated for three years before they were married and soon came along Bindi followed by Emu.

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