Chapter 22

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"So how do you like it here so far?" Rosie asked as she took me along a path towards the stables. We didn't wear shoes and wore long flowing dresses with no helmets or anything. Strange for horse riding. Also slightly dangerous but it didn't bother Rosie.

"I think it's beautiful, very large, stunning and it seems like you could never get bored" I smiled hopping over the stable gate behind Rosie

"Oh, someone else is here, by the looks of it, Lucas and Dalliance have taken their horses out as well. Do they know about you?" she asked as she walked over to a snowy coloured horse, there are ten stables and eight horses. Each horse represented a Drielle, including their personality

"No, but I will talk to them individually if you wish" I said as I walked over with Rosie to her horse, but I got stopped by a light brown horse putting her nose over my shoulder as if she was trying to hug me. I turned around to meet this beautiful horse's gaze; I began to pet down her snout and neck "Hello beautiful. Hey Rosie, who's this?"

"Oh my gosh" she gasped

"What" I asked looking up at her as she sat on her horse bare back

"She has never gone up to anyone before; she is usually distant, temperamental and very independent. She has never been touched apart from at feeding time and at bathing time... only when she has to and only by Arianna, even then she isn't happy. She hasn't been named, because we don't know what she is like with a person"

"Who am I riding?" I ask

"Looks like you are riding her" She shrugged and tossed me a backpack "It has the horse things, I have human things. Let's go"

The beautiful horse knelt onto her front legs so I could get on, I stepped over her and she stood up moving me into a natural riding position, I held onto her mane and rubbed her neck before catching up to the quick paced Rosie and her horse

"She likes you" Rosie smiled "This is Harmony; she is beautiful and loves to listen to music. I know, I know, cliché name... But I was young when I named her"

We began to pick up the pace and I latched onto horse riding quickly, Rosie kept telling me I was a fast learner and I was natural, which was rare to find. We stopped beside a spring and got off the horses, we brushed, washed and fed them before letting them roam the paddock as we washed ourselves off in the stream and ate apples and crackers.

The sun began to set and that was our queue to leave, Rosie sang "Harmony" and her horse ran over and let her get up.

I wasn't sure what to call out but Rosie already started to leave "Horse, um we need to go" I said quietly, but she gave no movement... "Destiny?" I whispered and her head cocked up "Come on, it's time to go" and just like that she trotted over and let me get up "You like the name Destiny?" I asked and no more needed to be said as she happily neighed and shook her mane before catching up to Harmony and Rosie.

"That was quick" Rosie laughed "What did you do?"

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