Chapter 39

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Laying in the soft grassy meadow the stars were coned by the surrounding tree's which shielded the wind from hitting our bare skin. The horses paced together with their heads down eating the grass. Lying side by side, our body heat kept us warm. We linked pinkies and waved them around in the air while our heads and shoulders touched.

"We could do it you know" Jacob whispered even tho there was no one to overhear us

"Do what"

"Move in together"

"Where? I don't have a place, do you?"

"Yeah, back in Australia... I have a secret one back home that my parents built for my older brothers but they never ended up using it so we have an empty lake house we can have... Only if you want to tho"

"Are you kidding me?" I ask him while I sit up "Yes! I'd love to! Just imagine the fun we would have... Pillow fights... Bubbles... Fruit platters... This is going to be so much fun"

"So it's a yes?" He asks joining me sitting up, holding my hands he gripped them and smiled "Piggy back rides every day. And we would have a pool table"

"We would become masters of the pool table!"


Mounting the horses we began the half-an-hour trek back to the house to both begin packing my things and informing every one of our decision.

Leaving our little patch of haven it left hope in my heart that this arrangement of ours actually might work out. Living and being married to your best friend and living under our original agreement, it would be like a constant party... With the addition of children... Eventually.

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It was the morning after we had made out agreement and Jacob and I were packing our clothes into a bag ready to move to the Lake house while Madi and Liam sat around watching us.

"Australia? Really?" Madi asked sinking deeper into Liam's arms "It's so far away, and it has so many dangerous animals, like you have to be careful where you step or else... You could die!"

"I'll look after her, make sure she doesn't tick off too many spiders and snakes" Jacob laughed

Stepping out of the black limousine onto the stones mapping a pathway through trees to a large, stone cottage, the little tear drops from the sky poured onto the umbrella Jacob held above the both of us hiding us from the night sky.

"Home sweet home" Jacob smiled and began following the path mapped out by lanterns lit by fire "It's sucky weather, but when it's summer in England, its winter here. So fires and marshmallows  tonight, then tomorrow we can go explore if you want?"

"It's so adorable, and yet huge!" I smile as he unlocked the door and let me in "But it sounds like a plan!"

Walking inside the sweet smell of the wild roses growing through the hawthorn hedge and  the sound of a crackling fire greeted us with warmth drawing us inside.  Closing my eyes I opened my ears and listened to the battering of the rain on the roof, in the garden a fountain gave the illusion of a soft babbling brook and the noise of birds singing a sweet melody as they sing to the world.

"So you like it?" Jacob asked stepping in behind me and flicking on the lights to reveal a cute layout of white drapes hung over large windows which shadow the lake, a soft, plush chair by the fire and a loveseat lounge beside it "It has six bedrooms, four bathrooms and a lot of space"

Yawning I nodded "I love it! It's a tad late tho, what's the time?"

"It's about to hit 4am"

"So that means I'll have to sleep now, and get up in three or four hours... Oh I don't like this time zone change"

"Lets go get some sleep then" Jacob yawned as he turned around and thanked the man who brought in our luggage "Cheers mate, just leave it here. We can do it"

The man nodded and walked back to the car, and drove away.

Picking up two of our suitcases he lead me to the main bedroom "Here you are my dear"

Walking over I sunk into the bed, resting my head on the pillow I looked up at Jacob who was packing away some clothes into the wooden closet.

"What?" He asked

"Nothing, you just look so comfortable here"

"Why thank you chicken"

"You're welcome" I yawn as I snuggle into the pillow and close my eyes as I brought my knees up to my chest

Coming over, he pulled a blanket over me and kissed my forehead "Have a good sleep"

"Don't leave me, stay, please" I asked him grabbing his arm

"Always" He said as he joined me in bed and falling asleep.

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